Who am I? My most frequent mental battle

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Again, loud and proud... who am I?

"The mind is not a book to be opened at will and examined at leisure."

Even knowing this and believing in such a quote won't stop us from trying to dive in the waves of our thoughts... and fight against it, if necessary.

Never fear what you'll find in there! I tell myself or rather lie to it.


Let it all out...

Run wild, even if it's against your will...

Free yourself from the invisible robes, holding you back.

And one day -even if you're out of breath, gasping for dear air- you will find what you've always wanted. . . You would finally meet who you're meant to be.

You'll find yourself, the person you were desperate to see in the mirror when you were at your very worst state.

And, only then, the strength you've been searching for would reach out for you, calling your name and offering an entrance for your eyes to see it, hands to sense it, mind to live for it... heart to feel it.

At such a moment, it won't be just happiness or success that would fill you up... nope, something much more, and that being content and love of the person you've turned out to be.

You'd no longer strive to find yourself... you'll just know who you are, having all the answers in your mental pocket.

Do it now, why wait for the unknown? Recruit your inner eye for the job it was made for, and dig deeper within.

C'mon, I mean it... Now!

Now, while you have a chance... to live life to the fullest, before death would knock on your closed door.

As the common saying goes on and on... the bliss of life is given to you only once, but if you plan it right, once is more than enough... Don't leave the words fall on deaf ears, for Merlin's sake!

Why wait to be confided to your deathbed... and regret that you haven't lived, in the first place?

There is no greater dishonour than to depart the land of the living without knowing how it feels like to be alive.

***** A/N:
Woow, that made me feel heavy. . . Just a bit.

I promise an enjoyable ride in the journey home to oneself.

To those who know me, I'd rather die than not be true to my word. I hope to remain alive ^^ Lol :)

Welcome... Welcome to my random book!

Repeat and make it beat:

The chamber of secrets has been opened...

Live for what you'll find inside, but avoid dwelling on the mist of phantoms

I've decided to gather the bits and pieces of what makes me up: every shred of Gryffindorian bravery, Slytherinic ambition, Hufflepuffy pursuit to find... and Ravenclaw wit.

Why, what for? To dive inside my mind, always spinning with thoughts ^^

That's a book for Me, Myself and I . . . But, you're free and more than welcome to join the journey.

Scrolling through the pages, you'll feel my pain and read my thoughts... rants and tags... mainly Harry Potter headcanons... life and/or fandom opinions! As Random as it could ever be...

Hope you enjoy, without hating my rambling self.

Simply, you'll get to know me better... as I myself get to discover some aspects of what's hidden behind the mental door of my personal chamber of secrets.

Wait, don't go just yet. If you've reached all the way to here without rolling your eyes... thank you ^^

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