Get to know me better?

106 14 64

Tagged by: @Padfootie_

She tagged my backup account a long time ago (such a procrastinator, I am... I know, thankyou), but since I am the same person, I've decided to do it here in my random book. Thanks for tagging me btw <3

Be my guest *greets you with open arms* and let's see what we have here

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Be my guest *greets you with open arms* and let's see what we have here... Dun Dun Dun!

1. Do you care about what others think of you?

Mostly yes. I just care about people the way they are more than just overthink what they could possibly see me as. I just try to leave a positive impression of myself on others, not just for them to judge me as good or bad...

But I know that everyone is fighting their own battle and I just hope they don't see me as one of the villans of their own story.

2. Middle name?

Why? Stalker!

3. Favourite sport?

Tennis, I suppose... or wait, are Zumba and Yoga considered sports? Idk, I hope they are, but yes, they're so refreshing and leave me more content than ever.

4. Best friend?

Irl, five best friends mean the world to me, along with some other good friends whom are very special to me as well.

Here on Wattpad... a lot, not only those I follow but also all my followers are considered my friends. And I am always (!) here for anyone.

5. Someone you couldn't live without?

I don't want to sound dependent, but my mother is the one. I wouldn't last two days without her...

6. Favorite name/nickname that others give you?

Anna is what I go by here... as for a nickname, my family sometimes calls me Katie. Don't ask me why.

7. Are you cute or sexy?

Erm... I don't like to talk about myself a lot, as I am very modest, y'know... *flips hair* but both!

Lol, joking.

But maybe one day, I could leave you guys with a face reveal, and you could decide for yourselves.

8. Preferred pronouns?


9. Have you been asked out?

Once... or wait, now that I think about it, twice actually.

10. Do you believe in true love/soulmates?

Yes, but such an unachievable goal, if you ask me.

11. What are your top 3 pet peeves?

Yellow teeth... uggghh!

The sound of forks and knives when mixed together... sends chills down my spine

Idk if this counts but arrogant people annoy me.

12. Do you consider yourself an emotional person?

I would be lying if I said no. I get extremely emotional as much in real life as when engrossed in a good book. I feel every word and think over the meaning it entails.

That's probably proof for getting emotional over the words I myself have written. For those who don't believe me, I torture myself with the feels as much as I do to you. SorryNotSorry.

13. Words you often say?

Aww, thanks


I don't swear, sorry. No curse words allowed in my comfort zone! Geddit, buddy? -_-

Bless your soul

Hahahaha... I laughed so hard at this

14. A picture of yourself?

A face reveal... so soon? Nah, maybe another time.

15. Your favorite picture of another person?

Does it have to be a person??? Nooo, my tag... my rules.

So, I'll leave you with.... one of my favourite dogs!

 one of my favourite dogs!

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16. Favorite hobby?

Reading (duh!) But maybe something different, lemme think, writing it is. Lol 

Also, yoga and listening to calm music... or dancing around with closed eyes on wild music. {Welcome to the two faces of me}

Oh and, almost forgot... acting as well. I just love transmitting emotions!

17. Role model?

Hmmm... Emma Watson.

To make up for the 15th question, I'll give you more to the answer, a picture of her bubbly and charismatic self.

Oh forget it, Wattpad doesn't seem to agree... glitching too much, like siriusly! Just blame the Nargles for now.

18. Who is the best person you know?

My sister.... nothing more to be said.

19. Crush?

Fictional characters, yup that's true.

Irl, do you really care to know? If yes, then no I don't have a crush.

20. Tag 20 people?

Alrighty, here for the hard part...

bluebellSlytherin25 (glad you're back <3)
regulusrules (missed your presence btw, hope everything is fine)

*Phew* tbh, I thought I would stop at the third tag or so.

Sorry for tagging you and spamming your so quiet and peaceful notifications. You don't have to do the tag if you don't want to... Obviously -_-

Until next time, sprinkles <3

Told you I am not always that dramatic and deep... I enjoy being crazy sometimes.

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