The child hood of Alex #1

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It was a sunny morning. I woke me up at 8:30 like I do every day.

   By the time I brushed my teeth it was 8:35. It's time to change in to my close that I where on Wensday. Blue jeans, a wight shert, and my hair brushed to the side. I go to my room,my close are on the rocking chare.

  By the time I change it is 8:46. I woke down stars. "Morning mommy." She looks over at me. "Good morning sweety. Brefist is on the table." I woke over to the table.

   It's 9:00. I can eat now. I was eating when I head mommy taking over the phone. "Are you sure this is what....I see. Ok..." mommy sounded sad. I finished eating. "Mommy, what's wrong??" she was crying in the kitchen.

I didn't know it then but that was the day my mom found out I would never be like other kids. I would never probly be a real job. That no one will want to been in a relasenship with me. That I HAVE to do every thing the same.

  She found out I have OCD. School was not any better. I couldn't go to school in till I was going to middle school because I would get so frustratid at every thing that was different.

  As I got older it got better. I just got out of high school. I work  at my  father's job.

   I bring everyone there coffee in the morning then I clean. On Mundays & Thursday, I clean the conference areas. Tuesday, I help orinis all the paper work that was done last week. Wednsday, I go to the archives and get stuff that they need for cases or I bring papers there. Friday, I clean the kitchen.

  That's where everyone puts there food. I have been doing this seems I was 18. My dad asked if it would be ok and his boss was all for it. He and my dad are close friend so I have know him sins I was 5.

  It toke me almost a year to get us to the change. Iv gotten better. I go every Friday after work to the same place. I do that so much that the guy that works there artery has my food done. 

  It makes it a lot better for me so I don't have to try to toke and stuff. I'm not vary solshle. Shocker right not. I'v always had a hared time toking to people because I'm on my own time. I don't just stop and toke. That's why I don't have a lot of friends.

  I do have one tho. She's the kid of my dad's friend. We grow up together. When I'm woking I do see her ones and a whall. I'll wave. But it's really hared for me to do that some times.

  She would stand up for me when people where making fun of me. But at least I finished all my homework and all my work on time. My teachers always liked that about me.

  You mite be wondering: why arnt you going to college? Well I have a simple answer. I don't want to. It will mess up my time and I like the job I have right now.

  I woke close to the law. I help people that needing paper work for a cases. I like  to read some of them when I'm on the bus....just a little and there are so many different ones.

   Most of them are cold cases. A few days ago the boss called me in for me look on something. He did it whall I was cleaning so I look at it and cleaned.

  It was about a crime that a guy with OCD soposaly did. I looked at it. I know right away it was not him. It was sloppy and he would wash his hands for like an hawer after words.

   I know because one time I got a nose bleed and it was all over my hands. I was in the bathroom for an hawer washing my hands. It was bad.

  But I helped him out there. But right now I need to go. Twomarow is Friday. Every thing will be to the way it is usle.

I'm sorry if I'm over exasperating any thing about OCD. All the stuff I have seen from it is really bad. And the frist stuff about her not living a normal life is her mom's saying. Wich is wrong. They can live good lives. So yah don't hate me...bey~bey Wolfy.

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