Dealing with change

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(I don't own the pic. I just searched up drawing of to sister's anime. So yah. The darker one is Alex)

It's Friday morning. I look at my clock on my bed did table. 8:30. Time to get up. I woke slowly to the bathroom. I brush my teeth. I look at my pocket watch. Yes I have a pocket watch. It was my grat-grampas before he dead. He gave it to me.

  My older brothers where kind of mad because grat-grampa gave it to me. He never seemed to like me that much. But that's not what I want to think about.

  8:35. I woked down stars and grabed a glass jar of oatmeal out of the frig. I place it on the table. Then my little sister came down stars rubing her eyes. She's only 13.

  She's not like me. No one else in my family is. She sat down and stated to eat her brefist. "You eat quickly if you want to get to school on time." she look at me. "I can never be late with you always watching time.

   Oh and can you help me keep all of my papers net for my report?" I noded and woked up stars to change.

  I changed. 9:02. I get down stars. Looking at the time. "Come on Lils. Your going to make me late." she came down runing. "I won't have that happen agein...i hate see you having a panic attack."

  I grabed my key to the house. We got to the bus stop right on time. When I dropped her off. I got now to a nother bus. That toke me nere a coffee shop. I picked up everyones coffee.

  Every thing whent normal for the rest of the work day. I then woked to Gooood food. Yah that is what the place is called. She I woked in I notest that it was a different....there was a new girl. She was kind of a sweet way. I woked over to her.

  "H-hi.." 'why am I stuttering. I have never stuttered in my life' "A......." I said my order. She smiled. Her smile is so butifull. "Ok that will be $14.89" her voice is like a soft blikent a rond you.

  I ate but keeped thinking about her and I don't know why.. why was this the change I kind of like. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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