Every Time an Angel Cries

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My name is Klara.

I am 16 years old.

And I have depression.

My mother used to tell me that every time an angel cried, It's tears would fall on a person and that person would become an angel.

My mother passed away 3 years ago.

Not long after she passed, my Dad couldn't handle it anymore and left me. But before he did he dropped me off at my Aunt's, his sister's house.

Ever since then, I've lived here. It is now my "home". But it's not my home. I don't belong here.

Unlike my Father, I stay strong. Or I try to. I don't have many friends. And the people that are my "friends" are only doing so because they feel sorry for me. But I guess I can blame myself for that. I rarely ever talk at school.

The only person I ever talk to daily is my aunt.

And my mother.

I ask her every night that if she should look upon me and see my situation, That she would be saddened and cry. I would ask her to send her tears to fall on me, so that I could become an Angel and join her in heaven.

But my mother never cried, And I know that. And I know wishing for such foolish things that come from her stories is just, well... Foolish.

So I stay strong.

This morning my aunt plans to take us to the beach for an entire day. I used to love going to the beach with my Mom. I think that's what Aunt Steph is trying to do... replace my mom. But no one could ever do that. She was her own person and everyone knew that.

"Honey, are you ready?" says Aunt Steph
I nod.

"Ok, let's go then."

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