The beach

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"C'mon, dear... get out in the water and swim for a while, why don't you?"

I look at aunt Steph. She looks so happy and unaware of what's going on in my life...

But I don't want her to know. I don't want anyone to know.

I smile slightly. "sure."

I get up, set my book down on the towel, and begin to walk towards the water. As I'm walking down I see a group of people about my age, and they seem slightly familiar... then I recognize them as some of the people in my grade. I walk faster to the water and as I hit it begin to swim out a bit farther hoping they won't notice me. But I am wrong.

"Hey Klara! Didn't think I'd see you here..." says Allie, a girl in my class. Not far behind her is a group of people, including Sabrina (my least favorite person in my entire grade), and a boy that I don't recognize.

As soon as the rest of them walk up Sabrina asks " Allie, why did you..." Then she sees me. She kind of frowns. "Oh." Then she gives me a pathetic smile, with a touch of something, something that I can't quite place.... Oh right. Pity. She's taking pity on me.

"So, Klara," says Allie, " What ARE you doing here? I rarely ever see you out...."

I point to my aunt.

Sabrina frowns. " C'mon, can't you answer her question? geez... Surely you can speak to give us an explanation."

I look down and shake my head.

She laughs. "God... I told you we shouldn't try to be nice to her... Its not worth our time."

I clench my teeth and try really hard not to punch her. But then I realize.... It's not worth my time.

Sabrina walks off and so does most of the group. But I notice one person still standing there. I look up to find its... The boy. The one I didn't recognize.

He smiles and says," Its ok if you don't want to talk to me, but my names Claren. Can you tell me yours? I mean, it's ok if you..."

"Klara." I say softly... "My names Klara." I sort of smile at him.

His face brightens and he laughs. " Claren actually sounds a lot like Klara... that's pretty cool, huh?"

I nod.

"Claren! Oh my God, Claren get over here!" I hear Sabrina yell.

He doesn't budge.

"Shouldn't you get back to them?" I say.

He shakes his head. "Nah, I'm only here because my friend Jake invited me. He was invited by those girls... but I'm starting to find I don't really like them."

He laughs, and it must be contagious because I'm laughing too.


Of course as soon as I'm getting along with someone, aunt Steph calls me.

I begin walking. "sorry, I have to leave."

He blinks and turns around to face me.

"Oh, well, umm.... I guess I'll see you later?"

I know I'll probably never see him again. But I nod anyway and begin walking faster.

"Ok, well bye!" he yells to me.

I continue walking, ignoring him, because I realize that he might care....

But again, I'll never see him again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2014 ⏰

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