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Heaven is a quiet place, so quiet you could think that nobody lives there.

I often wished that someone would come and make some noise so it wouldn't be so boring, that someone crazy and new would be created so I could have a little bit more fun, but had I known that this would be my end...

I still remember those times when Gabriel came to me and told me about all those stories about the humans, how much I loved it to be beside her and how I laughed with my dearest brother who seemed to always understand me.
But both are gone now.
The butterfly of heaven, Gabriel, faded away because of her kindness and my brother has fallen. In my eyes, it's the same as if he had died and now a different person has his face and this person is using his name to do all those horrible things.

But what I noticed was that before they died, they changed.

Gabriel was the most reliable angel I've ever seen and she lived to serve God and praise him, so did I. I adored her and would even get so far to call it love. Being with her felt warm and she was caring as a mother who lived for her family. Who could have ever thought that she would love someone else than God and heaven? Even now I can't really believe it but maybe that's what my brother talked about: "Love is a great power which forces people to do stupid things and even leads them to death. It's horrible and if you don't want to get hurt, you should get away from it before it's too late, before you fall for this dangerous and useless trap."
I never listened to him about this, being with Gabriel never felt useless or dangerous at all. But soon I saw what my brother meant. There are many kinds of love: the ones where you get never loved back, like me, the one where you feel save and like nothing can stop you and the one where you fell for someone who will lead you to death.
And she of all people fell for the worst one.
I know that this wasn't the reason why she died, but in my sorrow I gave this men the fault for her death. Of course I also gave others the fault for it, it was also their fault and I knew that they were to blame just as much, but I will never forget this men and refuse to call out his name. After thinking about it now, I think I was jealous of him.

My brother who once was the brightest star in heaven became a dark shadow on the ground. He wanted to be the greatest so he would never have to fear his death and never feel danger or fear itself, but that's not all: He envied the humans but also wanted to learn more about them. I never understood that part of him but maybe that's why I never saw how he changed. He wanted to learn all the bad sides of the humans, make them cry, make them beg for mercy, make there hearts and souls break and then see their rage, hate, fear and sorrow. All those emotions we angels are forbidden to have and maybe that's what he found interesting in them.
But he also learned how easy they can turn their backs to the good and become bad, and how easy they would follow and betray. In his eyes, they were useless like love and they would only bring trouble.
So he started ,together with other angels, a plan to show father his thoughts of them and win the trust of the angels by rescuing them from the 'danger' he saw in humanity.
Most of all I think he wanted to show them his might and as everyone knows, father wasn't happy...

He also changed

Father was angry at my brother and wanted to punish him but it never came so far.
Some angels thought father would like the humans more than his own children, that even if they betray him he would love them while we who love only him are getting punished for not loving them.
I never told anyone but I started to think the same way. I didn't want to lose my brother but I did. The angels who were on his side rebelled against God and we had to fight.
In my eyes God was still our creator and father, so I fought for him even if my heart felt a deep pain while fighting against my brother, but I also felt wrath. Wrath against my once so dearly loved brother.
He made me fight him, why couldn't he keep quiet and stay by my side? He is the reason why so many of us died and the reason why that day, she died by Gilgamesh's betrayal. He betrayed us for him and he killed her for him! Now he got his punishment and I lost him and her on the same day that could have been provided if he only had shut his mouth.

They weren't the last ones to change

Everyone of us, the pure angels of origin, changed and I was afraid that they would also hurt me, so I decided to let nobody get that far. Still, it hurt to see Uriel attached to those humans instand of his family. He will betray me for sure to save this human, just like everyone... I know it, because he changed and whenever they change, I lose them.

Enoch, a descendent of the first humans, was the first human I ever started to like. Father said that he would soon be a use for us, so I started to look after him. First, only a few hours one day in a week but soon every day as long as I could. He was interesting with his happy, funny and somehow shining personality but also his knowledge was amazing and just like Gabriel, he told me stories about the other humans. He even managed to make me smile after I lost the two most important people in my life and when I was near him, it was kind of peaceful.

My heart started to skip a beat.

What did this mere human do to me?!?
I wanted him to be near by my side, wanted to laugh with him and live a normal life without the worries I have all the time.
That's bad, that's wrong, I should be happy to serve God, should want to protect only heaven and fulfill my duties and only trust myself but he changed me! And the worst of all, it didn't even minded it.

When father ordered me to bring him to heaven, I was happy.
I even gave him my blessing and with this a strength that could even overcome mine, because I trusted him.

The person who noticed that I was in love wasn't me.

When I told Raphael about my feeling, his face lighted up as if this would be a good thing, as if this wouldn't be my death, and with his singing voice he said:
" You fell in love with him!"
And I will never forget this moment when my heart stopped for a while and my mind went blank until everything I felt was fear and shock. And after that, I felt once more wrath.

He used my trust to make me fall for him! It's all coming together now, love means changes and changes bring only bad. He only brings bad.
He only wanted power, that's why he was so interested in me, what other reason could there have been? He made me blind with love! How could I not notice that?!?
Of course something horrible like love would be the cause of all those things I felt, all those bad and heart aching feelings I felt, the exhaustion I felt day by day, love weakened me. It's truly like a sickness and for us angels every love beside the one we feel for our father brings pain...

I have to get a hold on myself before it's too late!

I focused on all the bad aspects of love and all the bad sides of him:
He is just a human! A clay puppet! One of them!
Yes, because of them, my brother changed, because of them Father changed and if they would have never turned away from God and worshiped this false God, my Gabriel which I loved so much would've never met him and without them, Gilgamesh would've never been born and Uriel would have never become so attached to them! Everything would be alright without them and now, one of them did this to me...

I hate you...

Why, why did this happen?!?
I won't give up so easy because of this, I will show you that I'm stronger, that I can handle all this by myself and I will protect heaven by destroying everything that might harm it and then, I can die happily! You will see clay, I won't fall for this! I see the desire in his eyes, he wants to take my place! I can feel his hunger, but I won't give in.
All his kind words, his warm smilies and gestures must have a darker meaning behind them. There is no other reason!

Is there?

Deep down in me,  I wish it would be different. I wish I could love him, I wish I could live normally, I wish I never lost my family and I wished that nothing ever changed, because if nothing would've changed,

...we would still live in those peaceful times.


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