
15 1 0

2 years | jk/kth

It had been 2 years since u guys had said ur first i love you

U woke up in the arms of taehyung which made u have a beautiful rectangular smile on your face

U were about to get up from the bed while suddenly taehyungs arms tightened around ur waist "dont get up yet" he said in his lazy morning voice "taehyung i have to get to university let me go" "skip today" he said in a calm and tidy voice

After taehyung had begged you for 15 minutes nonstop u finally agreed and fell asleep in taehyungs muscular arms. You had been asleep for a couple hours after that morning and u were woken up by the sound of horns outside ur house "beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeb" beeeeeb" beeeeb" taehyung had woken up a few minutes before u " good morning beautiful " he said

"Good morning" u said after he gave u a little peck on ur lips

I skipped uni today all for u and all i get is a little peck isnt it unfair? U said in a sad voice sarcastically

He rolled over the bed and onto you giving himself support with his elbows so he wouldnt hurt u

He gave u a very passionate and nice kiss causing u to kiss him back once none of us could breath anymore he got of u and raised one of his eyebrows "satisfied yet?"

U nodded ur head with a laugh

One week later

Taehyung was starting to come late to our dates and even if he would he would come drunk and sometimes he wouldnt even come any more u were starting to get suspicious so u decided to call ur bestfriend sana so u called her " hey sana" hey eun hee whats up" are u free tonight?" Yea why?" Come over tonight and ill tell u ALL about it" ok is eight good?" Yea cya bye" bye" u hung up & u got into a comfy pajama and waited for sana leaving her a pajama too on ur bed

Sana arrived and u told her everything from the drunk taehyung to the not coming to dates taehyung she was speechless and so she told me to ask him if anything was wrong sana stayed the night and u went to the uni together in the morning sanas boyfriend picked her up and so did my boyfriend me and taehyung decided to walk home but as always we always got these girls saying " i would so be with him if that slut wasnt here" " i wish she didnt exist" "shes so ugly what does he see in her"

U squeezed taehyungs hand not letting him go " eun hee it hurts when u squeeze like that u know?" U didnt realize u were still squeezing his hand hurting him badly "s-s-sorry" u said. It was the perfect time to ask him what sana told u " hey uh taehyung?" Yea?" Are u o-okay ? U seem quite off lately."

I-i-i-i" taehyung ? U snapped him out of his thoughts

Yea im perfect im fine i guess its just work


U were trying to find a account on ig with kim in it u saw a acc named kim taehyung

The profile picture was also taehyung u pressed on it finding photos of him with another girl ur heart was beating so fast that it was about to jump out of ur chest right then u heard the bell ring u got up to open it, it was taehyung ur heart shattered into a million pieces taehyung came in and wanted to kiss u while u took a step back but he bent down to sit and wanted to ask u what was wrong and u saw a hickey on his chest u felt the hot tears swimming down ur cheeks creating an ocean on ur shirt he wanted to hug u got up as soon as possible yelling " DONT COME CLOSE TO ME DONT EVEN COME NEAR ME KIM TAEHYUNG U FUCKING ASSHOLE GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME " eun hee whats wrong tell me? " YOU WANNA KNOW WHATS WRONG ILL TELL U WHATS FUCKING WRONG" u gave him the phone and walked away his eyes widened his eyes filled with tears " U SAW WHATS WRONG KIM TAEHYUNG " u were crying again crying so much u couldnt talk anymore GET OUT TAEHYUNG GET OUT" u were sobbing so ur voice kept on becoming lower and lower

Until it became so low it was like a meek whisper he came closer to you "dont touch me taehyung dont touch me" he hugged u and u punched his back but he wouldnt let go

U had screamed so much at taehyung that he finally left

U called sana so she could calm u down and she did u laughed a lot u drank a lot of wine but u still couldnt forget what happened sana left and u officially broke up with taehyung 

2 years||kth||jk||Where stories live. Discover now