Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Amber’s P.O.V

Parking my car in the underground parking of the King@lantic building I turn off the cars ignition and lean my head on the steering weal. All week I’ve been busy with some prep for the new book before a can move forward with the next chapter. Then there’s the reading of Emerald Scope in the mall and small local books stores to keep my mind off the unknown meeting but as soon as I got into my car and started to make my way to New-York my minds been playing tricks with me. I just can’t seem to fathom why the head of marketing would want a meeting with me.

Yes R & H Publishers now known as King@lantic Publishers sales has fallen after the owner’s accident and fallen even more after the company was taken over by the Kingsman hair Zack Kingsman but that was normal after such a big change. Still I don’t know what I’ve got to do with any of it seeing as my sales are trough the roof and is still climbing. Still having almost fifteen minutes to get to the meeting I sit back, close my eyes and try and relax. Now that I have my head on straight I take my bag with my laptop in it and my hand bag and make my way to the elevators. After climbing a floor the elevator pings as the doors open and I step out into the lobby. I didn’t have to wait long to be given a temp pas and escorted to the next set of elevators.

“Mr. Heraldson will be waiting for you when you get out. It’s on the twenty-eighth floor.”

“Thank you Tina.”

I say looking at her name tag and then push the button marked twenty-eighth. Seeing as it’s a long ride to the top I fix my already flawless aperients and start with the slow and steady birthing again. I will be all right nothing to worry about. Why am I so nervous I’ve been to bigger meetings than this, hell I’ve met Oprah. But at least when I met Oprah, I knew what to expect. The ding of the elevator brings me out of my thoughts and gives me just enough time to put a smile on my face as the doors open. A tall blond that looks like he belongs on the front page GQ is smiling back at me and extends a hand.

“Hello my Forde I’m Gilbert Herington head of marketing welcome to King@lantic.” Not really sure what to say I just extend my hand and look around the rest of the floor.

“I’m sorry for the short notice on the meeting and for not being able to disclose the reason for it but I felt it would be better to tall face to face.”

“Ye I feel like I’m being sent to the principal’s office but I don’t know why I’m being summand.” I state and give a half ass laugh to go with it but GQ over here troughs his head back and gives me a front row seat to one of the sexist laugh if seen.

“You don’t know how accurate that statement is but let me set your mind at ease you are not in any sort of trouble... well yet.” And just for good measure he troughs in a wink at the end.

“Well if I wasn’t confused before I am now.”

With the back and forth I didn’t even notice that we stopped in front of a glass door with a heavy orange tint and the words Boardroom printed at just above eyelevel.

“Miss. Forde after you.” Heraldson says close to my ear as he opens the door.

“Miss. Forde allow me to introduce to you the new owner and CEO Mr. Zack Kingsman.” Okay I did not see that coming.

Why’s the CEO here, and the guy’s were right he is drop dead gorgeous. I mean wow, just wow. Not just can he give mister GQ next to me a run for his money but just to air around him alone made me a little light headed and then I turned to great him and bam. Before I make too big an ass of myself by staring, fainting or jumping him I get myself together before they even notices something is wrong, I walk over to him extend my hand and greet him with a polite smile on my face.

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