Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Amber’s P.O.V

I can’t believe Zack just called; I've been thinking of him all week and let me tell you it’s not been all pretty thoughts. I’ve accepted there proposal after talking to Pat and now the date for the lunch of the tour is set. We'll start with New-York doing a photo shoot and two live interview’s one for radio and one for TV. Then the day before we leave will have a private interview at some magazine with its own photo shoot. This will all start in a month and the travelling will be hectic for the next four, (yes I've decided to get it over and done with) what’s four months in the life of a writer. I’ll have plenty of time to write will on the plane or the days we have off, so I'm not really bothered that my work will suffer.

When I told Tess, Chris and Molly the response was as expected. Tess said to go on the pill and not to forget to pack sexy longer and condoms, Chris on the other hand told me to be careful and if Zack try’s anything to let him know and he would introduce in to the express train known as his biceps. Molly was oddly silent but Monday I got a package delivered to my door from her with the most outrages assortment of things, most of the belonging to a 1920’s porn star or prostitute. I just pushed it under my bed and sent her a text to say thank you but I don’t think so.

Five to six I'm done curling my hair and walk to the kitchen to get a glass of wine to calm my nerves. I've dressed as requested in a pair of skinny jeans, a white top with a rockers jacket over it and some comfy sneakers. After drinking the wine like I've been living in the dessert I put the glass in the sink just in time as the intercom buzz to tell my Zack has arrived.

As I exit the elevator opposed the entrance to the building I can see Zack standing outside next to a black town car. Soon I'm out the building and Zack walks up to my kissing me on my cheek.

“You look even more beautiful than the last time I've seen you, these are for you!”

He still has one hand on my back and is only inches away as he talks. Looking down I see a small bouquet of white roses.

“Hi and thank you there beautiful you shouldn’t have. I must say I liked you in a suit but seeing you in jeans and a sweater is so much better.”

I have a sweet smile on my lips and being much shorter than him makes it easy to look up at him through my lashes. Helping me into the back of the car I hear him say.

“This is going to be the longest night of my life!”

I don’t think I was suppose to over hear his statement but I did and now I can’t help but wonder what he means by it? If he didn’t want to go out or be with me then why ask me out to start with?

Zack’s P.O.V

As the elevator open and she steps out I feel my heart skip a beat. She looks breath taking, how is it possible to look so good in such simple clothes.

“You look even more beautiful than the last time I've seen you, these are for you!”

I hand her the white roses and look into her beautiful green eyes. It’s so true I have to shift to try hand hide the effects of her beauty.

“Hi and thank you there beautiful you shouldn’t have. I must say I liked you in a suit but seeing you in jeans and a sweater is so much better.”

She’s playing with me I just know it but looking down at her angelic face as she looks up at me trough her lashes i cant do anything but stair. Where so close and again I smell honey but maybe mixed with peaches or something. With my hand on the small of her back I lead her to the car hoping she wouldn’t see my excitement.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2014 ⏰

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