Chapter 1

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"Alice Snyder, get your head off of your desk and tell me what the answer to number two is." Mrs.Hall said

"The answer to number 2 is 50,516." I said quickly I had a really bad headache and was not feeling good. "Can I go to the nurses office?" I asked

"Why are you throwing up are you bleeding?"

"No I'm not"

"Then no you can not wait until the bell rings."

"Oh shit she's no her period" someone in the back said

I don't sit in the back like all the other drug attics in my grade do as you already know my name is Alice Snyder. I'm 16 and I have 2 older brothers named Oleksander and Denys pronounced Alexander and Denis. There my favorite people In the entire world besides Matt Healy Alan Ashby and Ricky Olsen. I love rock and pop rock bands and I'm a red head naturally which is very unusual in Ukraine but I'm special. But I died it black because why the hell not. When I was little I remember being put up for adoption but every time I ask my mom about it she says that I wasn't. I don't believe her but what she says goes right? Anyway I'm going to put my head on my desk again because I have a headache and I don't feel like sitting threw this bitches class.

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