Prologue - How It All Started

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1:00 PM
Location: Route 1

A Boy, 15 Years Old, wearing a blue jacket, with a cap, some jeans and of course, wearing shoes, was running along some plains, a town in view, just coming back from his adventure in kalos, full of energy, proud of his second place in the pokemon league, going to pallet town, this boy's name is Ash Ketchum, Being Accompanied By His Best Friend, Pikachu, The Latter Being A Yellow rat Pokemon, with a lightning bolt for a tail, and some red energy pouches on his cheeks.

"I can see pallet town Pikachu! Home sweet home, right buddy?" Ash said, as Pikachu nodded with a smile on his face whilst saying "Pika Pika".

As They Got Closer To The Town, The smiles in their faces faded away, as there was smoke coming out of the professor's lab, Fearing That the worst had happened they hurried and started sprinting as fast as they could, they were nearing the building and had started seeing some firefighters with some Blastoise, Wartortle and Squirtles, He also saw the professor with some scorches, nothing too severe though, glad for this, Ash slowed down but hurried up again cause of his pokemon, as they were on the ranch, and he also didn't see Tracy, the professor's assistant.

When he got there he Ash asked the police "What happened here!" Officer Jenny said "Well someone broke in, but they left this here" Showing a piece of white and red clothing.

Ash, Knowing the type of clothing and the color pattern, guessed it was Team Rocket, Officer Jenny asked with "How could you guess it was them?", Ash responded with "Since i've had so many encounters with them, I already know that type of clothing" Pikachu Joining In with some "pika", But she didn't understand him (of course she wouldn't)

"Jenny, can I enter!?" Ash said, "No Ash! It's too dangerous to go inside!" Jenny Responded, "But My Pokemon And Friend Are In There!", " I know Ash, But It's Just Too dangerous!" And So They Started Arguing, At the end, she had let him in the building, with a Squirtle, But not any Squirtle, it was his, after a greeting, they went into the flaming building, dousing every flame, when they got to the pokeball storing room, what they saw was, to say, kinda weird, as the Team Rocket trio Was knocked out in the floor.

"Huh?" Ash asked himself, "What are they doing Here?"

Earlier That Day
12:00 AM
Location: Pallet Town, Professor Oak's Lab

"What cha mean were fired!?" Meowth asked, As They Were planning an ambush on the twe- I Mean, Ehem, Ash they didn't realize that Team Rocket was planning a heist on the lab, "I mean you're fired!" A man, around his 35 years, With a black suit with a red R on his pouch, Some black pants, black shoes, and a black fedora with a cruel smirk on his face.

And so, he set the lab on fire with a charizard he stole 3 Weeks ago, and escaped with a few pokeballs in hand, not from our hero, but some prototypes of the master ball.

Flashback End

'We can't leave them like this..." Ash said to Squirtle and Pikachu "Squirtle! Douse The Flames With Water Gun!" Ash Commanded, And Squirtle, With Some Hesitation As He Was Helping The Enemies, Followed Orders.

They continued through the lab to find Tracey Had fainted, They Announced it to the firefighters, and with help of the Blastose, they got him out.

They went through the back door and onto the ranch, where his pokemon and some others were trying to escape "Hey Guys! Over here!" Ash shouted to his and the other trainer's Pokémon.

They all came towards him and then, Ash Commanded Them to use a water gun, everybody aiming to one spot, And So They Escaped from the back, and he got back to the exit, then he notified Jenny About the Team Rocket trio on the storage section, which they went immediately to, to catch the probable criminals of the fire (Even Though They were Not).

1 Hour later, they had doused the fire. And so Ash Went to his home, separating again from Squirtle, Whom he had spoken and asked if he wanted to be back in the team, but refused as he still had duties to perform.

A Flock Of Pidgeottos And Pidgeots flew Over his head, and he saw a very special one, "Hey! Pidgeot! It's me! Ash!" And so, the leader of the flock went toward him, the flock following close behind, watching how their leader was interacting with the human, they all went towards him, as they no longer felt the human was a threat, and Ash asked an important question "Hey, Pidgeot, Do You Wanna Join The Team Again?" He asked, Pidgeot Nodded, As It Was Happy To Be Back With His Master, No Scratch That, Trainer And Friend, as it tapped it's head against the pokeball.

And So He Went Back To Walking Toward His Home

3:00 PM
Location: Pallet Town, Ketchum Residence

'Mom! I'm home!" Ash Shouted, As A Woman Around Her 40's Walked Out Of The Residence, With Chocolate Brown Hair, A pink shirt and a long navy blue skirt "Oh Ash, I've Missed you so much!" Said Delia Happy that her son was back "Your friends have a surprise for you! I don't know what it is, but it must be to congratulate for your second place!" She said, "Oh man, My friends came to congratulate me? Man I'm Pumped!".

And so, our protagonist entered the household, and boy, was he excited when he saw all his friends and rivals,Gary, Brock, Misty, May, Max, Dawn, Paul, Barry, Iris, Cilan, Trip, Clemont, Serena, Bonnie, Alain, Sawyer, Trevor, Tierno And Shauna. But, something seemed off about them, As they had some frowns and some were straight up furious and mad of him.

Brock, Thinking To Himself That He Was The Leader Of The Group, He Decided To Speak First "Ash, Can I Tell You Something?", "Yes, Yes You Can", To Brock, It Hurt A Bit, But This Was A Must Do, "I-I'm Sorry Ash, B-b-but I think you should give Up hope on becoming a pokemon master", "What!?"

Misty Was The Next To Speak "Yeah Ash... You don't work as a pokemon trainer, but you'd make better for other professions, like being a gym leader"

May Was The 3rd One To Speak "Or You Could Be A Policeman Or A Performer...", Max Being His Brother Decided To Speak Next "You Would Make For A Good Strategy Teacher With Your Out Of The Box Thinking", And This, Was True, But Ash Wanted Tow Still Be A Pokemon Master So He Decided To Interrupt "Why? Why would you do this to me? I still want to be a Pokemon Master!" And His Mother Stood By His Side "You're Wrong, Ash Can Be What He Wants To Be! He just needs a little bit more training" And She Was Right, But They Still Followed With Their Plans Of Betrayal, This Time, More Aggressive.

"Yeah Yeah, We heard You Old Hag" Gary Spoke, Whilst Insulting Delia, "YEAH! ASH NEEDS TO GIVE UP! HE JUST CAUSES TROUBLE ON THIS WORLD WITH ALL THE LEGENDARIES!" Dawn Shouted At The Top Of Their Lungs, "Yes! He's Just A Pathetic Trainer!" Paul Said

Iris Was Next To Spe- Erm, Shout "HE'S JUST A LITTLE KID WHO ATTRACTS TROUBLE!", Ash Again Decided To Speak For Himself "Yes But This Was Caused Because Of Evil People Like Team Galactic!" And Delia Joined In "It's Just For Those Evil People That Wanted To Abuse Power They Didn't Deserve!" The Traitors, Oh Boy... They Were More Furious Than Ever.

"YEAH!? WELL THAT'S CAUSE YOU'RE AN EVILNESS MAGNET THAT JUST ATTRACTS EVIL PEOPLE!" Cilan Shouted "YOU SUCK, LIKE A PERSON FROM THE BOONIES OF KANTO!" Trip Said More Than Fed Up with Ash "YOU'RE NOTHING MORE THAN A DISGRACE TO ALL OF US!!!" Clemont Roared "That And You Suck As A Trainer!" Bonnie Screamed 'But You're Not A Trainer Yet Are You' Ash Thought "I CAN'T BELIEVE I FELL IN LOVE WITH SUCH AN USELESS PERSON!" Serena Roared At The Top Of Her Lungs, "YOU SUCK AS A TRAINER! THAT'S WHY I BEAT YOU IN THE KALOS LEAGUE!" Alain Shouted Loudly, "YOU'RE A WORTHLESS PERSON!! I CAN'T BELIEVE I USE TO SEE IN YOU A STAR!" Sawyer Said "YOU CAN'T EVEN DO NOTHING RIGHT!" Trevor Said in a manner that Hurt Ash's Feelings "NOT EVEN WAKE UP EARLY TO GET YOUR STARTER!" Tierno Shouted "WE SHOULD JUST KILL YOU ALREADY!" Shauna Was Beyond Furious. So She Sent Out Her Pokemon, And Ordered Them To Attack, What? Well, The Chosen One, Ash Ketchum.

Hoo Boy, That Was A Long One 1514 Words, Golly God Dam. Welp, I Hope You Like This Story And Tune In Next Time For "How Could You..." An Ash Betrayed Story And My First Fan fiction.

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