chapter 4 - changing

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Jungkook : well, im guessing youre gonna accept it..

Lisa : 😑 well ofcourse..

Jungkook :

Lisa : are you...-

Jungkook : -NO NO its..nothing


Lisa's POV

°there's something wrong with him...i just know it°

°is it...the scholarship?? probably..maybe he's just having a bad day°

Jungkook's POV

If she's gonna accept it, im gonna accept mine to..

Jungkook : *gag* i need to go to the bathroom..

Lisa : O..ok

I have monophobia...

*The fear of being alone and not having anyone to talk to*

i was traumatized by the lonely days
i got bullied a lot.. and she saved me..
I never really told her bout my problem actually quite rich..I mean my dad's dad invented snapchat..

*not true*

i can just go to that school..with my father's money..

but my dad wants his children to use their brains to get what they want..


if i can use his money, i might be one of the most popular kids in school..

but i will not be her friend right..?

i just...dont know what to do ..


Lisa's POV

°whats taking him so long..°

Class is starting....

I wonder whats the problem..


he skipped 1st and 2nd period..
3rd period..we were not in the same class.

By the time its was lunch time..
I tried to find him..with my lunch

I ate while walking..

Then i saw this guy..his name is taehyung.. he's in my english, science and physics class..he sits next to Jungkook..they talk sometimes..

He was going out of the toilet.. so i asked him

Lisa : have you seen Jungkook?
Taehyung : no, why?
Lisa : i havent seem him since this morning..
Taehyung : did he skip??
Lisa : He probably did right..

School went by..


Before going home, i stopped by Jungkook's house..

*Knock Knock*
•im a once🤗🤗•

"Jungkook-ah, Jungkook-ah!!"



I was flabbergasted..

Lisa : why did you skip?
Jungkook : i didnt feel like learning..
Lisa : look, are you okay?
Jungkook : yes..
Lisa : want me to teach you?
Jungkook : ..........y..e..s...........

•jungkook is not that good in learning..he understands my teaching more than the teachers at school, and he wants to get straight a's so that his father can atleast give him some allowance..•

Lisa : can..i come in?
Jungkook : owh yea..come in..

I teached him everything..
But i feel like he was distracted..a..lot

Why is he like this???
He changed..

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