part 4

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He was not talking to properly….he was avoiding her…..

On last day of project submission…both submitted….and came out..
She looked him….
S:I want to talk with u..
N:yeh say me…
S:wo…not hear…
Both went to restaurant…
Their table was beautifully decorated..
Sameer kneeled before naina…
S:naina…I know I was ignoring u this many days…its because…I was
confused...on my own feelings….i don’t know why…but I was not able to
pass even a day with out…thinking about u…..i was searching for the
Naina…this feelings started in me…when u started to ignore me…but I
was not able to understand it….later when I saw u …again after a
long…I felt…I should not miss u again…
Both looked eachother….with lots of emotions….
Their eyes was filled with tears…..which made the sky cry…it started
raining heavily…
Both hugged each other…
But suddenly naina…pushed him..
N:enough and enough of  ur drama….i know u r just acting….never try to
make a prank like this in ur life to any one….I HATE U….sameer..
Before he say something….she runs from their….
Sameer sat on the floor…and started crying….
Then something strick him…..he ran in search of naina….but she was gone….

Years passed…..

A boy is seen running in road….then at last he entered his class…
B:sir may I come in…
T:aryan….u r always late…u know today we have guest lecture…..u r
going to give the welcome speech…but u r late….
But he was least bothered…when teacher completed his lecture….he
straight went and sat in his place…
Staff was irritated…

After fews hrs….all gathered in auditorium…
Aryan was standing on the stage…
A:gud afn to one and all present her…I am Aryan of 10….
All look at him….the chief guest was …..least bothered…..
A:sir can I know who is the chief guest over hear…
The guest looked at him in superise…but he stood up…
Aryan started clapping…
A:so what is ur name sir…..
G:Sameer….he said smiling…remembering his notonki in his skl days…
A:so mr.Sameer…I m topper here..but I don’t want to leasson…any
lecture…so pl grant me permission to go out…
Sameer laughed out loud…after years…all were stunned seeing him like this…
Principle was glaring at aryan…he was about to beat him….
But Sameer stopped…and took Aryan out….

Both were setting in the play ground..
Aryan was seeing the cricket match…
S:do u like playing..
Aryan nodded…
S:kk u go…
A:no ….it will be boring..
S:then what to do..
A:mm…..kk then we will have the match..
Sameer looked at him….
Aryan dragged him to the ground…
They started playing…
Sameer was doing bating….aryan bowling…

Suddenly a girl came and catched Aryan ears…..
Aryan screamed…

Sameer looked her….shocked….

To be continued…

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