Chapter Eight

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Why is everyone here? Ivan thought to himself as Wang pushed past him.  Ivan pushed his scarf over his mouth,  hoping this was only a dream. 

"I'm only gonna ask one more time,  what's going on?" Wang asked,  making it clear that he was mad.  Alfred,  Mathias,  and Gilbert all dropped their weapons,  afraid of what might had happened if they didn't. 

Alfred walked over to Wang with a smug grin on his face as if he just won the lottery.  "You do realize that he doesn't deserve a place in this world,  right? " Wang just stared at the taller man in fury.  "You should leave right about now. " Wang finally said.  "Or what el-" Alfred was cut off on his sentence with a knee to the gut. 

Ivan stood,  watching in horror as Alfred toppled over,  holding his stomach.  Gilbert and Mathias were both watching in the same horrified gaze.  Mathias quickly grabbed a pocket knife out of his pocket and went for Wang's neck.  Ivan gasped under his scarf,  wanting to save Wang but he couldn't bring himself to move.  He watched as Wang dodged the knife and hit Mathias in the side of the nose. 

Then,  in the heat of it all,  Ivan heard the door unlock.  His sisters were home.  Ivan quickly shut and locked his door,  catching the attention of the others.  Wang quickly caught on to what was happening. 

Ivan then heard footsteps making their way up the stairs.  They were light,  so they had to be Katyusha.  Which only meant she was coming to see her brother.  Ivan turned around quickly and looked at everyone.  Great they were going to get caught. 

Knock knock....  Boing. 

"Don't come in, I'm...  Uh..  Doing homework!" Ivan yelled through the door.  Ivan only heard a faint sniff.  She was crying.  Singling to Wang and the others to move to the left,  Ivan opened the door,  slid into the hallway and quickly shut the door.  Katyusha looked up at Ivan and hugged him tightly,  crying into his shirt and scarf. 
"It's going to be ok," Ivan whispered repeatedly to his sister,  not knowing what had happened.  The crying slowly stopped until there was only quiet sniffing. 

Finally,  Katyusha spoke. 

"Natalya got shot in the leg."

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