Chapter 2: How Much Do You Really Know About Monsters?

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Word Count: 1.3K

Your Point Of View

"Okay but if you're not from here, how'd you get here?" Sam asked you.

"I don't know. But to be honest, I'm not too worried about it right now." You replied.

"Don't you want to get back to your own reality?" Sam questioned.

"Sam, I don't think you understand the situation from my perspective. I've been dreaming about being able to meet you guys, hang out, and go hunting with you for years. Back home I can't do any of that. This is, literally, a dream come true for me." You explained.

"We're your dream? Why?" Dean asked.

"Because of the love you two have for each other. Because you both go out there everyday and save people from the things that hide in the shadows. Because you're heroes. You're my heroes. You two have saved my life more times than I can count."

"But we only just met you, Y/N." Dean pointed out.

"Not from a monster or anything like that. But from my inner demons. You inspire me, give me hope, and motivate me to keep fighting, and to never give up. That's how you've saved my life. So thank you." 

"You're welcome?" Dean said, not sure of how to respond.

"I still can't believe that we're a TV show in your world. Huh." Sam said.

"I would love to talk more about this, but I'm still covered in blood so could I use one of your showers? Also, if you haven't it figured out, I don't have anywhere to stay, so can I stay here with you guys?" 

"Sure." Sam said.

"You can use my shower. It's across the hall from the bedroom you were in earlier." Dean said.

"Thanks." You replied with a smile on your face. 

You were in the Winchesters' bunker, you were about to use Dean's shower, this was positively one of the greatest days of your life.


After you got out of the shower, you started researching possible cases, while you waited for your hair to dry. You were dying to go on a hunt. You wanted to show off your knowledge of folklore to Sam and Dean. You felt pretty confidant that you would excel at fighting, even though you've never been in an actual hardcore fist fight with a monster.

The researching was taking longer than you had hoped, but you found a case. You were so excited, so you ran to the library to show Sam and Dean.

When you got to the library Dean wasn't there, but Sam was.

"Hey Sam." You said, catching his attention.

"Hey Y/N. So I've been doing some digging on how you might've gotten here and-"

"Can we please not worry about that for right now?" You begged.

"Y/N, I think that it's important that we find out what happened." Sam said with a concerned but stern look on his face.

"Okay, okay, fine. But look what I found." You said making your way over to Sam to show him the newspaper article that showed the details of the incident. 

"Two days ago, a girl was found dead on the side of the road and her heart was missing. So I'm thinking werewolf. But the lunar cycle isn't right, so it must be a pureblood, or a pack of them." You smiled inside, proud of yourself for finding the case.

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