Chapter 1

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I run as fast as my tiny legs can carry me. My lungs are on fire and my breathe comes out in short bursts. I try to run to get away from what I fear most... being too slow. If you're too slow people notice and I was not about to get noticed. Especially in gym class of all places. Worse it's a co-ed gym class. Which is just fancy for saying it has both guys and girls. It's horrible. Especially because it's a competitive environment and I'm not really good at anything. So I always try my best to go unnoticed because it's high school. Unless you're noticed for something good, then being noticed is usually bad.

I can see my gym teacher, Mr. Cavan about to call us in to change into our regular clothes. Most of my female classmates find him attractive and I can see why. He has soft brown hair, alluring blue eyes, and he has muscles. I have to admit he's very sexy. It also helps that he's only 22.

He blows his whistle. Which means it's time to change out. It makes me so happy that I have gym last period because then I don't have to put that much effort into fixing my appearance. Like why would I do that if all I was doing was going home and watching Netflix alone. Oof I can't wait to be in my bed binge watching Stranger Things for the 7th time and yes I've been counting. Seriously though Eleven is just so badass and I love it.

I was so caught up in my own head that I didn't realize I was now the only girl left in the locker room. I hastily grabbed my stuff and started the journey to my car. It was a long walk. I had to go all the way across the building and then all the way across the parking lot because I was running late this morning and it was the only spot available. Well at least I was wearing my Converse.

"Hello" a deep voice startled me. I turn around and the person in facing is a stranger to me. He's about 6ft 2, he has dirty blonde hair styled very messily, and beautiful chocolate brown eyes. He was so damn attractive in just black sweatpants and a white tee shirt which clung to his torso and showed off his muscles. I finally broke whatever trance I was in and finally responded to him.

"Um hi," I managed to speak out. A smirk crosses his face. He knew I was checking him out, but he was also checking me out. I doubt he finds me attractive. My long dull black hair and bland green eyes are ugly af.

"I'm new do you think you could show me where the administration office is?" He asked

"Yeah of course." I replied "I'm Skylar but everyone calls me Sky"

"I'm Jacob" he says.

"Well follow me then and I'll take you to the office" I state. It was a short walk and thankfully on my way to the parking lot.

"Ok well I guess I'll see you around then" I say once we reach the office.

"Yeah see ya" he replies walking into the office. Damn I should gave him my number I think while walking towards my car. Oh well Netflix awaits.


Well this is my first chapter so let me know what you think. I know it's cringy but I'm sorry. The story will start progressing soon. It's like a testing the waters sorta chapter. Oh well no one will probably read this anyways because it's not good. Like at all. Also sorry it's short I just couldn't really think of a way to make a longer one. So ya bye.

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