Chapter 2

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The next day I wake up to my alarm blaring. Ugh alarms are so annoying, but if they weren't I probably wouldn't wake up in the morning. It's also my fault because I know I stayed up too late watching Netflix. I kept thinking this is going to be the last one but it wasn't. I finally stopped when I realized it was around 3:30.

I get up and start my daily routine. First I start off with a brisk cold shower to wake up. Then I get dressed in black skinny jeans, a Fall Out Boy tee shirt and my blood red high tops. Then I apply some foundation, a quick swipe of eyeliner, and a red liquid lipstick. Finally I make myself breakfast which consisted of scrambled eggs and toast. My mom is a doctor and has insane hours, so whenever she home she's usually sleeping. My dad died when I was a baby in a car crash. The only sibling I have is my older brother, Xavier, but he's in collage three states away and rarely visits.

I go outside, plug in my headphones, and start my walk to school. I listen to Panic! At the Disco, Twenty One Pilots, and Weathers. My favorite song right now is Roaring 20s by P!ATD, but it won't last long because my music usually changes drastically within a couple of days.

I approach my school and roll my eyes at how stereotypical it all is. The jock guys tossing a football around, the popular rich girls taking up all of the picnic tables under the shade only because the ones in the sun are "too hot" and finally all of the miscellaneous people with their own friends labelled with other stereotypical names. I was obviously put into the emo kids category, but I don't mind because everyone usually leaves us alone.

I go to my locker, get my books without trouble and walk briskly to my classroom. I decide to take the seat next to the window today and sit down. I put my headphones in and listen to music until class starts.

When class starts our teacher, Ms. Williams, takes attendance in her high-pitched voice. She has a long prominent nose, her long brown hair in a tight bun and murky grey eyes, reading over the sheet of names. She must have been very beautiful when she was younger, but now she has permanent frown lines from teaching.

I tune her out until she calls my name and I give the standard response. She finishes the list of names and starts her lesson plan for today. She teaches until someone interrupts her by walking in. "Sorry I'm late Ms it's just that I'm new and couldn't find your class." A familiar voice announces, and I look up from my notes.

"Jacob Moors, correct?" Ms. Williams responds with, looking very annoyed. Oh the guy from yesterday, now I remember! Dang he's even hotter today. He's wearing a navy blue shirt that hugs his muscles and skinny ripped blue jeans.

"Yes ma'm" he answers, looking very guilty. Aw he's so cute when he looks like that. Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks he's cute, because all of my female classmates are staring at him practically drooling.

"Well your off the hook this time because you're new," she pauses glancing around the room, then finally he gaze rests on me. "You may sit by Ms. Wood, as it's the only seat available" she states firmly while pointing towards the empty seat next to me. Jacob comes to sit next to me and Ms. Williams resumes her lesson.

"Psst Sky," he whispers "Skyy" he sighs and I continue ignoring him. Until he starts throwing paper balls at me.

"What" I hiss in annoyance.

"Hi," he responds and I groan out of frustration. This is going to be a long class.


Finally it's lunchtime and I can hide in my place of solitude, the library. It's a glorious place filled with books and silence. It's the one place I can go and think without all the annoying teenagers. The librarian, Mrs. Frost, knows that I'm not like those ignorant buffoons and lets me eat or just be in here whenever. It's a place where I can just relax and escape from everything and everyone or so I thought. Jacob was sitting across from me grinning like the Cheshire cat. "Hey Sky how's it going?" He asks me casually.

"How did you find me?" I respond with a question of my own.

He appears to take my question into consideration and then says, "I asked you first" with a grin.

"Fine it's going pretty ok, now answer my question." I demanded while crossing my arms, my food long forgotten.

"I followed you duh." He states stabbing his mac 'n cheese with a fork. Jacob had a burger, fries, mac 'n cheese, and chocolate milk. While I had pizza, apple slices, a salad, and a water. Unlike most schools our school lunches were edible and yummy.

We soon fell into conversation and got to know each other. We were able to find over things such as our love for Panic! At the Disco and our addiction to Netflix bingeing. I learned his favorite color is red and that he has two sisters. His family moved to Silk Falls from Detroit, Michigan and so far he was loving the move. So was his 3 year old sister Isabel, but his twin sister Rea hates it. So much so that she didn't show up to school today.

After a while lunch ended, and we went out separate ways. We didn't meet up again until last period, turns out Jacob had gym as well. It was horrible we had to run two miles as it was Tuesday. I hated every second of it. Even though Jacob stayed near me the entire time I still hated it. I despise cardio, like what's the point if something is ever chasing me I'd just let it catch me because why run when I know it would catch me. I'm just glad it's over.

"Hey Sky, wait up!" my friend Ryder exclaimed as I was walking to the parking lot. Ryder was a friend but we weren't all that close. He had sparkling grey eyes and light brown hair. He was lean and attractive but we never really hang out. "Do you have the notes from Chem class today, I was in the nurses office." He explains

"Yeah, sure" I say and hand my notes over to him.

"Thanks!" He replies and then walks in a different direction.

"Skyyyy!" Jacob yells after me. "Who was that boy?" he questions me.

"Oh that's Ryder he was borrowing my Chemistry notes" I state nonchalantly. "Why do you care?" I pry and he blushes.

" Well... " He starts, then pauses. Then it hit me and my eyes widen.

"You're gay?!"


What'd you guys thiiink?
Did you see it coming? You probably did but whatever.
Thoughts? Constructive criticism?
I know that it kinda took awhile for me to get this chapter up but I was going through some writers block and I've been pretty busy. Also Rea's name is going to be pronounced like re. Well I hope you enjoyed it!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2018 ⏰

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