Chapter 2

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^Kristen Hernandez^

"Come on guys let's party!" El says jumping on Delila's bed.

"well first we need to set some rules. Rule number one, who ever falls asleep first gets punished, like, the other people get to draw stuff on them. Rule number two, NO being bored. And that's all." Del says.

"Well duh. This a party! No being bored." I laugh.

So we pretty much danced around and went live on Instagram and stuff.

"El." I say.

She looks up from her phone.

"Yeah?" she says.

"Del fell asleep. Get two markers." I whisper.

She nods and grabs two markers and gives me one.

"You go first." I whisper.

"Okay." She laughs.

"Shh." I giggle.

She draws a penis (a/n it was so awkward even to type that lol) on the side of Del's head.

I literally burst out laughing.

"It looks like a deformed whale." I blurt.

She dies. Not literally.

"Wait. She's waking up." El says finally calmed down.

I laugh and sit down.

"What happened?" Del asks.

"You fell asleep first." El laughs.

Del jumps up and looks in the mirror.

"Umm... it looks like a deformed whale." she laughs.

"That's what I said!" I laugh.

"Who drew it?"

"Me." El laughs.

Del rolls her eyes.

"Guys go to sleep." she says getting on her bed.

Me and Elli lay on the air mattress and just talk. it's like 11:30.

"You know Justin's brother?" El asks.

"Devon?" I answer.

"Yeah. You know him?"

"Well I don't know him. All I know is that he is hot." I laugh.

"I have him on snapchat." El says.

"For real?"

"Yeah. I added him a while ago but we never talk. Do you want his snap?" She asks.

I nod.

Elli gives me his Snapchat and he adds me back almost right away.

December 1st; 12:10 am

Devon: Hey

Me: Hi

Devon: Now I have three Kristens on my phone lol

Me: lol😂 wyd

Devon: Nothing hbu

Me: Just having a sleepover with my friends but Delila keeps telling us to go to sleep😂

Devon: Dont sleep. please I'm bored.

Me: I won't.

And that is where my whole life changed.

Hey guys.
Short chapter I know. I'm sorry.
I know what happens in this so well but it's hard to remember something that is meant to be forgotten.

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