Chapter 3

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^Kristen Hernandez^

"geez. How much sleep did you get last night? You look like shit." Elli says as we eat our breakfast.

"Not much. I was up pretty late." I say yawning.

"Why?" Delila asks.

"I was texting someone."

"Who?" Del questions.

"Devon." I say quietly.

"Devon Olson?" She asks.

I nod.

"Whatever. Don't get too hung up with boys to forget about school and your best friends." She says rolling her eyes.

"Hey. Kristen, it's fine. I don't really care who you talk to. I mean Devon is hot so.." El says.

"Thanks. It's nice to know that someone supports me." I say glaring at Delila.

"Yeah." Del says.

And that's where that conversation ended.

4 hours later...

So I got back from Del's like two hours ago and me and Devon have been talking non stop. Literally.

I've learned so much about him and he actually seems like he would genuinely be a nice guy. But, I've never actually met him in person. Therefore, I could be wrong. Way wrong.


Flirt💘💞: Hey. How you doing?

Me: I've been good I guess...

Flirt💘💞: what's going on? I'll make it better.

Me: My friend Delila thinks I am an idiot for talking to you. And that I shouldn't get too hung up with boys and that I should be more worried about school and my bestfriends.

Flirt💘💞: She seems like a bitch

Me: She is at times but then again so am I and that is what makes us friends I guess..

Flirt💘💞: wdym "I guess"?

Me: I honestly don't know. I just have mixed emotions about her being my "best friend" when I know she talks shit about me to me actual real best friend, Elli.

Flirt💘💞: If you know she talks shit about you, why keep the "friendship" going?

Me: I really dont know. Like it feels like there is something holding me down from just ending it. If I end the friendship with Del I will probably lose me and El's too...

Flirt💘💞: and why would you lose yours and Elli's

Me: I don't know, I mean like El talks shit about Del all the time and I feel like if I drop me and Del's friendship El will just leave me and go to Del.

Flirt💘💞: well I hope you figure out a decision but right now I gotta go. Stupid family is telling me to put my phone up. Ugh I wish I could stay and talk to you but my dad's an asshole.

Me: k bye

Flirt💘💞: bye ily

That. That right there made me question what this guy was doing to me. On the outside he makes me so happy but on the inside he makes me question whether he is genuinely trying to be good, or, he is just messing with my feelings.

1. Sorry for not posting yesterday.
2. Sorry for the short chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2018 ⏰

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