Chapter 12

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...whoops 🤷‍♀️ I'm hereeee I'm hereee

3rd POV

Harry and Louis finally made it to the airport just in time. Everyone else was already there waiting for them. When the couple got into the plane, everyone else had that 'I-know-what-you-did-and-I'm-trying-so-hard-to-ignore-it look'.
They went and sat in the back of the plane and waited for lift off. It was a private plane so they didn't have to worry about random strangers. Louis and Harry were in the secluded section in the back with the biggest bathroom.
Louis was terrified that Harry would not like the ride and would cry. Everyone knows Louis hates to see his kitten cry. So when the plane took off, he held on to Harry for dear life.
"Daddy, lookies! F-flyin'!" Harry pointed excitedly at the window. Louis let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding.
"Yeah kitten, wanna look out the window?" He saw Harry nod and put him on his lap. Harry was looking out the window for a few minutes when he had a brilliant idea.
Harry 'subtly' started to bounce on Louis' lap out of excitement. He sure was excited but not over the fact he was experiencing his first airplane ride. Louis was started to get a little hot and slowly held on to Harry's waist to stop him. Harry turned to Louis with an evil smirk and slowly started to grind into Louis' côck.
Louis' eyes turned black with lust as he quickly grabbed the blanket he put underneath his chair, in case Harry got cold, over their hips. He slowly undid his belt and pulled his jeans down just a little, he grabbed his length from his boxers and slowly started to pull Harry's bottoms and panties down.
Harry was still prepped from before the plane ride so he licked his hand and started to wet his member. As he started to push in Harry, the door separating the couple from the rest of the boys started to open. Louis quickly put the rest of himself in Harry and told him to act asleep.
"Would you like anything to eat or drink?" One of the workers asked. Louis was subtly grinding his hips but the blanket was covering him up so it only looked like he was bouncing his knee.
One particular thrust caused Harry to whimper. The worker, being oblivious to what's going on beneath the sheets looked worried.
"Poor thing looks ill, I'll get you two a glass of water." She ran off and came back quick with the water.
"Thank you so much, poor Harry here just came down with something. Your help is most appreciated." Louis said, subtly adding an innuendo.
"Of course, hit the button above you if you need anything else." The stewardess smiled and closed the door behind her.
Harry finally came, since Louis has been keeping pressure on his prostate while holding Harry as a makeshift côck ring. Louis came right after. He grabbed the napkins that the stewardess gave them and wiped them off.
Harry climbed off Louis' lap only to put his head on his lap after Louis zipped up his pants.
"Sweepy daddy, hawwy goin' night night." Harry slurred together before going to sleep.
"Goodnight babygirl, I love you so much." Louis whispered, looking at Harry with much fondness. Harry smiled lightly before knocking out completely. Louis follow along right after.
Their heartbeat completely in sync, love growing by the second. Everything as perfect as it should be.

Heh... heyyyy there guys, uhm how've y'all been. I'm sorrrrryyyyyyy but I have all pre-ap classes like I barely have time to breathe but I got up another chapter and I really hope y'all like it I don't know. It's really short also I'm so sorry 😩. Y'all tell me what you want to happen in LA and tell me if this sucks 😂 I love youuuuuuu!!

- Silver ❤️

Daddy's Little Princess l.s (hybrid!harry dom!Louis)Where stories live. Discover now