Part 4: Pizza Surprise

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So its monday! And I'm updating! Sorry its so late! I had work and then driving classes :D WELL anyways ENJOY!

Pretty please vote!

Also some of it isn't edited.. but most is! Sorry about that.. I will fix it later

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kiera's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I knock on the door and tighten my grip on the plastic as it threatened to cut the circulation off my hand. I had about 4 heavy bags with vegetables ready to be consumed. I had stopped at a local restaurant on the way and dug around to find a big bag full of veggies that where too “bruised” to be of use. I had no shame when it came to dumpster diving, I had lived off of it before.

I was able to go by the store and buy some cheap meat, hopefully it wasn’t too old. I think tonight we would make a nice stew. I was excited to provide, especially because I usually didn’t bring much back with me. I gave my mom all the money I made; sometimes I had to force her to take it by just putting it in her bag.

“Wow you have a lot of things” my sister, Marie, states as she helps take some of the load off. She had opened the door promptly after I had knocked and ushered me in. She didn’t even question how badly my hair looked, dumpster diving always messed it up.

“I was thinking we could make a stew I got some bones a couple of beef chunks and I have plenty of veggies right here too” I say nodding to the bags I brought. The things I couldn’t dive for I negotiated from a street vendor, they are usually good at lowering their prices at the end of the day.

“That would be wonderful I’ll get started on it” Marie says digging about in the bag to get everything out.

“No its ok you go rest I’ll take care of the food” I say instantly feeling guilty clawing at me. My sister worked two jobs, during the day she worked at a factory sorting and at night she worked as a telemarketer, she was good at it too. She was usually home for an hour in the evening to change and get food if there was any.

“Mom don’t you dare stand up” I say eyeing her as I see her attempt to get up from our small kitchen table. She smiles and rolls her eyes at me but doesn’t move. Mom worked in the back of a bakery, she was a wonderful baker but the people that ran the shop weren’t the nicest to her. I’ve always told her to leave and find another place but she says that no one wants to hire her because of her age, they want young fast kids.

“What about me? Can I help?” my little sister Sabrina asks.

“Yup wash your hands” I instruct, before moving to rinse out some of the carrots I bought today.

As I worked on the stew all I could think about was that guy from the fountain. I wondered briefly if there was another type of magic trick that was similar to mine… minus the dimensional transmission.

I knew I should have been concentrating on making the stew, but my mind just wouldn’t let me. My little sister, Sabrina, scolded me multiple timesbecause I kept spacing out. I just couldn’t stop thinking of him and I wasn’t even sure why. I mean he was cute… ok he was hot – but still, shouldn’t I be able to forget that? I meet quite a bit of hot tourists by the fountain, and none ever made a lasting impression – so why was he so different?

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