From hellos to goodbyes

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     It's so easy to say hello. When we meet a stranger we say hello talk a little about ourselves, enjoy a few laughs. What we don't know in that moment is that, that stranger will soon become one of your best friends and I said one because I met five other strangers that would be my best friends as well.

  We all used to sit on the bus we took up two seats, three people in each one, it was a tight squeeze but we didn't mind being close. Every bus ride was eventful from putting on concerts even though none of us were really good at singing, to talking about boys to, playing secret Santa every year. It was the small little moments like these where we all knew we didn't want anyone else in our lives. We were happy with each other and nothing else mattered. We shared laughs, arguments and tears but they all only made us closer. I had never knew what having bestfriends meant until I met them and I was so grateful to have met them.
"Okay it's time to exchange gifts." Tryston was sort of the leader of the group. If we were hanging out it was at her house and we always were following her ideas but that could have just been because she was the smartest. "I wonder who got me" We all knew who got who we could never keep it a secret but we tried and Riley knew that. Riley was the bubbly one she always had a squeaky voice and it wasn't her real voice she just made it her signature voice and she also loved cats.
"I got tryston" Arielle handed tryston the gift. Arielle was the more calm one out of all of us and a bit shy we tried to get her out of her shell a lot but she stuck in it. Arielle had beautiful Burnett hair but she always wore it in a ponytail so it never showed its beauty.
When tryston opened her gift she was so excited and happy to see she got some new earrings and a necklace and of course she was happy to see the bag of takis.
"I got Katerina!" Hazel was the fun one she had strict parents so every chance she had she made it fun. Hazel was the one I was closet to and we once even had a fake marriage, it's a long story for a another time.
Katerina opened her gift and loved what she got a new phone case and a gift card.
"I got lily." Katrina would become the only one that I kept in touch with. We were really close then and still really close now and I'm so glad to have a person like her in my life. What she got me mad me so happy as I opened my gift I saw that it was friendship bracelets and it wasn't just two for me and her but six for all of us. It was the perfect gift since I was about to tell them something that would ruin everything.

   They all were helping each other put on the bracelets and laughing and smiling. I instantly started to tear up before I knew it tears were rolling down my cheeks and tryston and Hazel looked up and asked me what was wrong. It was time for me to tell them the worst news possible.

"You guys this is my last bus ride" my words were faint. The pain in my chest made me barely able to breath I was choking on my words.
"What do you mean?" Hazel seemed worried but mostly confused.
"I--I---I'm moving" I was stuttering so much because my mind was now foggy and I wasn't sure what I was saying.
"You gotta stop crying just keep talking" For some reason whatever tryston said we all did so when she said to stop crying and talk that's what I did.

   I fished telling them the whole story and I didn't realize but by the end of the story we were all crying. Everyone on the bus was confused on why we all were crying but it didn't matter what they were thinking we all wanted to just be together.

As the bus came to a stop and it was time for me to get off I gave each and every one of them a hug I didn't say goodbye because I wasn't expecting it to be the last time I saw them. It was only winter break and I wasn't moving until after Christmas, but of course it was the last time I saw any of them. They all lived pretty close and I could have walked to their houses and said goodbye but I chose it would be better for me to just leave and not have to put them through that pain again. I hated my mom even more for not only hurting me but for hurting my friends and on that day i swore that I would make her life miserable and I stuck to my promise. It wasn't fair she didn't have to say goodbye to anyone.

What I didn't understand was why saying goodbye was so extremely difficult. I refused to say goodbye to anyone because it hurt way too much. It didn't hurt to say hello so why is hurting to say goodbye?" To this day that is something I never figured out.

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