Next stop: Misery

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  "Lily help your brothers unpack the car and bring everything in the house"
There wasn't much to unpack we left suddenly so most of our stuff was still in storage, we pretty much only had our clothes. I put away a few boxes of cards and notes my friends wrote me throughout the years I wasn't gonna leave the only memories I had left behind.

As I stood in front of our new home I felt this pit in the bottom of my stomach like butterflies but not the good kind. The house was big, well bigger from our recent home. It was a two story burgundy brick home, it had windows on all sides and beautiful French doors it was so nice and I wasn't sure how my mom was able to afford it. I didn't ask questions I was probably too young to understand anyways.

I walked into the house and of course my mom gave my brothers the biggest room. Me and my sister shared a room. We didn't mind sharing a room because we've never been apart and if we ever had our own room we would always be in each other's so there was no point. Me and my sister were extremely close. We were two years apart and yet people still believed we were twins. We had the same friends, if one of us was hanging out the other would tag along. We were truly best friends and that bond helped me through what would soon to be the darkest period of my life.

"I'm gonna go to the store and find some air mattresses and pillows and blankets so we have somewhere to sleep, anyone want to come with me?" My mom was super excited to get settled in. I hated how happy she was because I was miserable. My brothers and sister ended up going with her but I stayed behind to be alone.

As I stood in the empty small room I felt the tears begin to role down my face. I opened the box of memories from my friends back home and read each one as I cried nonstop the tears began to sting my cheeks and the taste of saltwater stained my lips. This was the moment I knew I would never be happy again. Nothing good could possibly come from this move and if I was stuck here I would make life hell for my mom to where she regretted moving.

I put the box away in the closet where no one would touch it and I sat in the middle of the floor staring out the window. I was coming up with a plan to make my moms life miserable while tears rolled off my cheeks hitting the hard wood surface floor. I decided I would be the worst kid possible.

"Lily are you okay?" I looked up to see my sister standing in front of me I didn't notice that anyone came in or that she had even been standing there. I looked at her with a blank face while dried tears stayed on my cheeks.

I wiped my tears. "I'm fine I just need some air." I rushed down the stairs and through the front door and decided to take a walk around the the neighborhood. Each house I came by got bigger and bigger. I didn't belong here. It wasn't right for me to be in this neighborhood or this town or even this state. I hated how everything looked so new and colorful it brought a happiness to the scenery and I was far from happy. I started jogging I wasn't sure when I picked my pace up but now I was running. I was running and so were my thoughts.

"Ow what the hell!" I looked down and saw that I ran into a girl and she had fell.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry I- uh I wasn't paying attention." As she stood up she had fair skin with long wavy brunette hair and green eyes. Her lips were plump and her body was fit.
"It's fine. Uh I've never seen you around and I know pretty much everyone."
"Yeah um I just moved in a few blocks down."
"Oh well I'm becca and you'll really like it here it's nice." When she said those words I gave her a fake smile but my mind was telling her that none of this was nice.
"I'm Liliana but you can call me lily."
"Do you have your phone on you?"
"Yeah why?"
"So I can put my number in your phone." I handed her my phone and she put her number in.
"Thanks. Um can I ask you something?" I wasn't sure if she was the right person to ask but I needed to start now if I was gonna make my mom regret moving.
"Yeah sure go ahead."
"Do you know of any parties or anything going on this weekend you know so I can get to know people before Monday."
"I'm not sure but I'll keep an eye out and I'll text you." I nodded my head and she jogged past me. I walked back to my house and sat on the back porch. I felt claustrophobic inside that house even though it was huge. I thought about becca and what I would do if I actually went to a party. In the middle of my thoughts my phone buzzed and I looked down to see it was a text from becca.

"HEY LILY! So you asked me earlier about a party, there's one tonight and I'll be there I can come pick you up and we can go together, you down?"

I was having second thoughts now but I wanted my mom to feel like I felt I wanted her life to be hell so I replied and my plan was finally in motion.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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