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I had just turned the Big 1-4. So far my year was going suprisingly well. I was confident, happy. Well I was happy until I found out that my boyfriend,McKale was cheating on me. I kept quiet about it, didn't tell him that I knew. We had a football game later that day, so I stayed after school with my gal pals Tiva and Starr. It was pretty fun, the things 3 bored girls do. Haha. Anyways I told his cousin Teryl to come early. Yes, Yes, I know 2 wrongs don't make a right, but back then I was all about " Revenge". Ahh, Revenge what a juicy word, it sends chills up my spine. What was supposed to be an innocent makeout session, ended up being so much more. We were in the hallway, theres this place in the hallway, if i may, called Makeout Mesh, yeah that's where I was. We were making out and he randomly pops the question. NO HE DIDN'T PROPOSE. He said "Do You Wanna Have Sex?" He asked it like it was nothing, but me being a complete idiot, I said yes. It was so awful, like it hurt really bad and I had to go on the field that night. It was my first time and it ended up being completly awkward and unexpected.

With me being 14 I just had to tell my friends because well, secrets keep friends close and I had a big mouth. They were all so shocked, asking questions and what not. And i was trying to figure out why the hell i was bleeding. Of course I had a more experienced friend who explained that all to me, which was good because I almost had a heartattack, no lie. I don't think that there's anything that I regret more in this world, than that night. I gave up something so special to someone who...Didn't Even Know My Last Name.

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