Back To Reality

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The next morning I woke up and I felt like shit. Maybe it was because I was back in reality and I remembered everything or maybe it was my rashing headache. I Didn't think I could get through the day without taking a few. But I Didn't take them, instead I waited Until I went through that days bullshit. I walked down the lonely halls, all alone. Everyone laughing at me or whispering stuff about me, some were even pretty open about it. It was official I was the school skank. And I for one felt useless and worthless. Like I didn't even matter. I felt so down and depressed, I wanted to feel loved. It felt like no one loved me and no one cared. I know it sounds super pathetic, but its true. Some guy whistled at me, asking me if I could give him a good time, I mean seriously it was one time. Let's fast foward to 7th period that day, Ballet. We had competition coming up tommorow and she was giving us the whole don't be late, dress right speech. Remember Vince? The drug giver? Well when i met up with him behind the school that day, I met these girls. Tanessa and Amari. They saw how down I looked and asked if I wanted a ride with them, and I mean why would I turn them down? Someone actually wanted to hang out with me and these days, that was rare.

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