Chapter 1

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Shocked and dazed, Blinky had been carried for some time by Aargh, until he finally gained back enough sense to come to his feet. Blinky could hear the clank of Jim's armor, and he could feel the kiss of cool wind on his skin- but all was dark. Were the trollhunters through the portal? He braced two hands on Aargh's arm, letting the larger troll guide him through the darkness. The feeling of the air changed, and feeling grass under his feet, Blinky guessed they were now outside- but why was it still dark? "Aargh? Are we still underground?"

Shocked silence followed, then Jim answered, his voice shaking, "No, we're in the woods now. You can't see anything?" Blinky confirmed this. Jim turned to face his friend for the first time since their escape from the darklands: instead of the joy and relief he should have felt, Jim only felt panic- Blinky's eyes were whitened and blind.

"Oh no, this is all my fault. Blinky... I'm so sorry." Jim turned away and sat down, his head in his hands. Blinky had guessed at the truth, and his face fell. The blue troll shook his head, doing his best to hide his shock, and stumbled out, "Do not blame yourself Master Jim. I used the flare to save my life, and I suppose every miracle comes with a price. Let us get back to trollmarket, we can see what Vendel can do."

Vendel's rough hands moved over Blinky's face, holding a magnifying glass close to his friend's blank eyes. "Did you close your eyes when the flare lit?" Vendel asked, frowning in concentration. Blinky tried to remember- the moment had been so confusing, it was hard to tease it apart. "Yes, but I believe not all the way. I tried to turn away, but it was too late."

Vendel hummed in response, pressing his lips together in an expression of deep thought. "I can bandage them with some salve for a few days. I think you escaped the brunt of the flare's light- sometimes a troll's eyes can shut down when exposed to bright light to avoid permanent damage, and this is likely what has happened to you. Give it a few days' time."

With gentle care, Vendel smeared a cool substance over Blinky's eyes, then wrapped bandages around his head. Blinky felt nervous, the bandages somehow making his fear of blindness even worse. Climbing cautiously off of Vendel's exam bench, Blinky reached out and found Aargh's strong, reassuring arm held out for him. Taking a few steps, Blinky growled with frustration- he constantly felt like he would run into something, hidden in the darkness around him.

Blinky suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, and he flinched. "Sorry, it's Jim. I just... are you going to be okay?" Smiling, Blinky reached out and felt around until he found Jim's shoulder, touching him reassuringly. "I will be fine. Vendel says that it may be temporary, so there's hope still." Jim nodded, then checked himself and replied, "Thanks Blink. I have to go home now, but Aargh and Draal will stay here."

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