i m a w k w a r d a n d s h y

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luke almost choked on his coffee. he didn't, but he came real close with his coughing fit.

everyone around, including calum turned around to give their attention to the awkward blonde who was once a confident person.

a few people asked if he was alright, he mumbled a yes nervously; praying that calum wouldn't realise it was him.

but he did, because you can't stop fate. "lu?" his voice sounded empty, and his eyes were darker then the taller boy remembered.

"that would be i- uh, yes, okay- um."

calum smiled. luke blushed. he had been more secluded ever since he cut things off with his college girlfriend, mostly because she isolated him from a social life so he had no reason to be social anymore.

"you look," calum began; searching for the right words. "different." he settled with.

luke nodded, trying to figure what to do with his legs. "what are you doing in melbourne?" luke asked; honest curiosity in his tone.

the brown eyed boy shrugged, "just here for fun. i'm here for another week."

"we should catch up."

calum's eyes lightened up with the suggestion. "when and where?" he joked, but was also serious with his seriousness.

luke giggled. he hadn't done that in awhile. "how about right now? if you're not busy."

and that's what they did, they fell in love all over again. but as adults, which was in someway; better.

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