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Lol like it's super cute when the first thing in your bio is taken. I have to admit it's cute.
But if you say awww your soooooo pretty. And then the girl goes off and is like I have a boyfriend. Or when your best friend is a guy and your like .
Looking sharp bean and the girlfriend sees it and she and her girl group goo off. And she's like that's my man. And your like and that's my friend from child hood . And she won't stop freaking out and your like please stop.
And has anyone ever been stuck in that position where your friends girlfriend kissed another person and your like holy potato chips what do I do .
Nd you tell him and he believes you and then he goes to brake up with her and then five minutes later they are back together and in love and your like.....imma kick your butt next time instead of talking about it. I short but I'll hurt you!! Well anyway lots of love kiss kiss-Twinkle!!

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