Rude people

35 7 1

No I'm not rich....yes im very very poor..But I got alot of people who love and care about meh....

but here this is something that is really bugging me....Why do rich people have the need to make poor people feel bad.

Like my dad's leg may get cut off for working to make sure I have food for the end of the week.
I have very very nice things but my mom and dad work soooooo hard to make sure I am able to have them.

But then you see People who have very nice things and treat there stuff like crap. I get a little annoyed and then they treat other human beings like nothing.

Like not all people are like that but some are. And I just like get really annoyed with it my dad and mom struggle and others take things for granted.  But like they say life isn't fair!!! Anyways MUCH LOVE kiss kiss-Twinkle! 💋💋💋❤❤💋💋

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