Chapter 1; Discovery

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I had a normal day, just as always. Well, at least I thought I would.
   I was late again for school. My school is called TIMM and I really love it there. We were just 24 at class. It was me (Mauddie), James, Alice, Marty, Marielle, Marry, Kenny, Ginger, Crystal, Mika, Mark, Tristan, France, Sky, Ice, Baxter, Dia, Chessca, Kyon, Wes, Addy, Kyle, Lexxi and Noah.
I was happy with them, then we have a kind teacher, Sir David. He's our adviser and he's the kind who's strict and funny and friendly at the same time. After school, I always hang around with my classmates.
Of course I cant hang out with all of them at the same time, so I usually hang out with Addy and Dia and sometimes with Lexxi and Alice.
Anyways, I sat on my seat and started taking notes. Our first teacher was Sir David who taught us Science.
But Sir David was ill, so our subtitude teacher was Miss Rose. She was a very kind teacher and rarely got mad.
At recces, I sat with the same people I usually sit with. Alice, Addy, Marty, and Noah. It was because they were the first ones I met at the first day of school. But I'm not new here. I'm already in Fifth Grade and I've been in TIMM since First Grade. And at First Grade I first met them.
At lunch, I sat with Dia, Lexxi, Mika, Crystal and Marielle. It seemed like a normal day, until we went home.
I walked home together with Addy. When we went to the park, me and Addy saw a large tree. It was the largest tree in the park. Me and Addy looked at each other then we ran into the tree.
There was a weird dark entrance me and Addy ducked then went in the tree. Suprisingly it was very spacious. Me and Addy saw an opening to the top. We climbed to the top of the tree. Then it was even more spacious! I imagined putting a wooden desk and a wooden cabinet and a bed and wooden table with wooden chairs and wooden shelves, then it was a tree house!
"Addy, look! There's so much space!" I exclaimed, looking around, "We can make a treehouse!"
"It seems like it already is a tree house," she said, "Hey, I have an idea! Why dont we make this our very own hideout! We'll go here after school everyday, maybe even at Saturdays and Sundays, then we can meet up here at four!"
"That's a good idea! Then we can tell everyone else at our class!" I said, excitedly, "We'll call it the TIMM Tree. For us and the other Fifth Graders. Lets tell them tomorrow!"
"Yeah, sure, tomorrow, at Saturday."Addy said, making me realize it was Friday.
That's when I remembered. "Yeah, tomorrow at the Messanger Chat, right Addy?" I smirked. Addy raised an eyebrow at me.
"Well, see you tomorrow!" I called as we walked in different directions home.
"Its Saturday tomorrow!" Addy grinned, "We're only gonna chat, not meet."
"We'll see each other in a video chat, right, Addy?" I looked at her and laughed.
We went home, and I chatted in the Messanger Grade Five Smart chat group on my phone. I started typing and typing and typing until my fingers hurt.

Me: hey, guys guess what me and addy saw at du park
(Others): what
Me: me and addy saw the largest tree in the park
Lexxi: so? ho cares bout a 3?
Me: well, there was a dark entrance, and the tree was spacious and then me and addy saw an openning to the top and then it was even MORE spacious!
Crystal: um... cool, i ges.. hey, who knows the new movie comin soon?
Me: u dont understand, me and addy discovered our hideout!

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