twenty-second letter

99 11 5

Dear Gwen,

                   Hey, you were ignoring me. Well, you saw me heading towards your table at lunch but you suddenly stood up, picked up your things and walked out of the room. Leaving me dumbfounded at where I was standing.

I couldn't concentrate in any classes I attended. My mind was so focused of you. It was confusing and I needed answers. And then again, I saw you, but you ignored me.

What the hell is going on? I don't understand anything. So, I followed you. You were headed to the field. I needed to hide. I hid at the nearest tree I saw. A guy with a familiar face and familiar hair caught my attention. You sat down next to him. When I looked closely, I saw Luke. And what it hurt me, you hugged him, and he hugged you back...

No, stop.

This is just my imagination right?

It can't be.

Please, Gwen, stop.

Love, Michael..

unsaid words // michaelWhere stories live. Discover now