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Ps; this story is from Nikki perspective)

Me and Brie were standing in gorlilla waiting for our match, we were against Natayla and Naomi, were set to win by using twin magic. Suddenly our entrance song plays, we go out to the ramp do the bells booty twirl and win the match. Since it was around a 5 minute match we weren't that hot and bothered, we walk through the curtain and Randy catches my eye straight away. There's always been something about him that turns me on so much. The tattoos? The muscles? I can't put my finger on it! I walk past and he says " hey good match Bella" "thank you" I say while laughing, "I wish it was longer though" we get deep into conversation but Brie interrupts "come on Nikki we gotta get dressed". Bye Randy, good luck in your match!" We somehow smirk at each other and go different ways. I'm walking with Brie thinking god that man is so hot!

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