I Came In This Game Alone

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I believe some people are raised in different environments that don't match there personalities. This boy was raised in the hard times around the hood with nothing to do but play basketball,smoke, drink, and etc. He stuck to one thing and that is basketball, from the jump it clearly became the only thing he was interested in. He was drawn to hang out with people that did drugs, his name is popular in his city so people would want to hang out with him and ect.. and he would fit in. The thing about fitting in is that you know your fitting in which means something is wrong. People who know they are fitting in shouldn't be in the situation they are in. It started with him playing basketball, he started to see himself connected to something like never before. All it took was one time for him to feel success and victory, that happen when He hit his first game winner in a recreation league playoff game, and Everybody ran out towards him. That same person that did not know what his purpose was or why he was there felt deserved. As this boy got older that same moment of victory became what motivated him to be successful, he felt noticed. So you say what does one do to be known?, his answer to that is became a professional NBA player. No matter what comes in his way he continues to be superior to that moment, reaching past pain and absence to continue to improve into the best person he can be. Smoking marijuana and drinking was one of those things that became uncomfortable because all he wants is success and to feel that moment more and more and more until the day he dies. Many people that grew up in his situation became drawn to that why did he stick out and survive? His answer to that is God. He believes a lot of people believe in God but don't have a relationship,so as he went to church and learned from his parents who God truly is he began to get closer. The truth behind him becoming so close is his desire to be successful but from learning about God he knew he had to bring God with him. As he got closer to God,change started happening in his life for the better, so he became drawn to getting closer to God because that's where he saw change. It's as if the closer he gets to God the more blessings come his way, the more he became a better athlete, and the more he gained knowledge. He found his way out, but he has yet to find himself, years go by and that same desire to feel that success and victory still drive him to be great. At a young age he was taught to work hard and to never be out worked by those around you, because then those far away are definitely outworking you. He grew in a hostile environment so that dog, that fight that he has, that attitude, and character that he has,came from where he was raised. You think struggle, yea he been through that with his family, you might say how bad? His answer to that is humiliating, but he tries not to look back and to only look at those things that are ahead. The thing with having a relationship with God is that he will use things in your life to shape you into what he wants you to be, and do for him. He is now 18 and it doesn't look clear that he is on the trail to his destiny, he knows the thing about God is he has to test your faith, he has to build you all the way down until you start thinking maybe this isn't for me. Then you you might come up a little and start feeling like yourself and then boom you drop down again. He might get to wonder why is God doing this, but he never ask God why because you never question God. His life feels like he is walking in a tunnel, but he can't see he can only hear and listen to things around him that might be clear signs that your getting closer. Deep down he knows it's for him , and that when God builds him back up he's going to be stronger than ever. He is now a young man and that same desire drives him to this day that feeling of being noticed the success, and the victory that he felt when he was a boy pushes him to be great and make a bigger name for himself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2018 ⏰

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