chapter 10

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Wayo  Pov.

Dad  was laughing and  he  immediately hung up  when  he  heard  Phana. I was so embarrassed. I was sure  that  he guessed  what  my  husband  was doing to me. Pha  was so horny.  I understand  that.  We  were  barely together  since Yut  came  here.  I miss  him  to.

–Wayo.- Yut called  me.

–Yes sweetie.

–I want a night  kiss.- He  stretched  his hands in  my  direction. 

I leaned  down  and  placed  a kiss on  his forehead. Phana did  the  same  and  Yut  go back  to his room  to  sleep.

Pha was reading some  documents  from  clinics,  so I took  a shower  and  made  sure  that  Yut  was asleep. My husband still  was busy, but  my  plan  was simple.  Seduce  him.


I hugged  him  from  behind. I lightly blow  on  his ear. He  loved  this. I was disappointed  when  he  didn't  react. 

To encourage  him  I scratch  his chest, but  even  this has bin  unnoticed. In  desperation  I even  licked  his neck  and  did other  stuff, but  he  was to concentrated  on  his job. So I sat  down  in  the  chair.

–Phana!- I whined.


–Am I so unattractive?- I asked.

–You're perfect.- He  didn't  even  look  at  me.-  Why do you  ask?

–Because I was seducing you  a while  ago, and  you  didn't  even  noticed.

–You're right.

My blood  starts to boil  in  my  veins. He  wasn't  even  paying attention  to  my  words. Just  like  I wasn't  there  with him. I stood  up  and  go back  to our  room  to sleep. If  he  isn't  interested  it's his problem.

I cover  myself  with blankets and  turned  to his place  with  my  back. He  was back  in  a couple  of  minutes. Just  like  never  happened, he  took  a shower  and  hanged  his clothes. 

I was waiting for  apologize  or  explanation  for  his behavior  but  he  only kissed  my  head  and  start  to fall  asleep.

–Are you kidding me?- I  turned  to  him  with  a question.

–I'm tired.- He  yawn. I hit  him.-  Wayo!  Why did  you  hit  me?

–You didn't  even  notice.

–Notice what?- He  asks.

–I’ve told  you  in  living room.- I noticed.

–I was busy. Can  we  talk  tomorrow?- He  ask.- I need  to get  up  very  early.

–I am sorry  that  I wanted  to have  sex  with  my  own  husband.

I throw  this words in  his face  and  turned  around. He  was such  an  asshole  some  times.  I understand  that  his tired, but  could  he  be  a little  more  gentle  toward  me. He  was the  one  that  seduced  me  earlier,  while  I was talking with my father.

–Yo.- He hugged  me.- I'm  sorry.

–You should  be.

–Can you forgive  me?  Pretty  please.

I sighed. It  was already late  and  he  really sounds tired. Maybe  I  should  just  leave  this.

–Yes.- I turned  and  kiss him.

My Moon husband (sequel to my lost moon )Where stories live. Discover now