Separation Anxiety

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Chapter 2

Sulli entered the farm but there seems to be no one around. Her arms are getting numb from pulling her heavy luggage. And she felt so thirsty.

After what seemed like forever, Sulli finally saw the house. Why is the house so far from the gate? Don’t they get tired of walking this distance everyday?

Sulli sat by the door of the house. The house still looks the same except for the faded paint.

“I guess Oppa was so busy that he couldn’t paint the house anymore.” said Sulli taking off her shoes. She leaned her back on the wall beside the door and stretched her legs.

“The air is so nice…” said Sulli while closing her eyes.

Minho pushed the cart full of fresh picked vegetables.

“Hey, are you a cow? Why do you always try to do things on your own?” shouted Jonghyun who ran towards Minho to help him push the cart.

“It’s because I can do this.” said Minho.

“I am not saying you’re weak. I’m just saying that if you keep pushing yourself like this, your body will suffer one day.” said Jonghyun. “Remember the farm that’s owned by the So couple? It looks like a haunted place now. They both fell sick with all the work.”

“I can’t stop working on this farm, Jonghyun. Tiffany is gone. I can’t let this farm go to waste.” said Minho.

“It’s been months since she passed away, do you still miss her?” asked Jonghyun

“Every minute.” said Minho. “This farm makes me feel her in my life. Every corner of this place makes me remember the time she was with me.”

“Minho…what do you think about…”

Minho felt Jonghyun’s hesitation.

“About?” asked Minho

“About moving out of the farm for a while?” asked Jonghyun “I mean, maybe it’ll help you move on if you’d spend your time away from this place.”

“Why will I leave this place? I don’t want to. Tiffany loved this farm. This is the fruit of all our work the past eight years. She wouldn’t want me to just throw this farm away.” said Minho. “And besides…I don’t want to move on from her.”

Minho looked around the farm.

“There is no other person who I want to love than her.” said Minho.

“Aren’t you being too hard on yourself?” asked Jonghyun “You’re still young, Minho. And you and Tiffany never had a child. You may still fall in love, get married and have children.”

“I don’t want to fall in love with anybody else, Jonghyun. It’s only Fany for me.” said Minho. “I’m satisfied to just wait for the day that Fany and I would finally be together again.”

“If you push yourself this hard, you’ll meet her very soon.”

Jonghyun patted Minho’s shoulder.

“I knew you love your wife. But Man, I’ve never met anyone who could love his wife more than you do.” said Jonghyun.

“When you’ve found your true love, you’ll also feel the same way I feel about her.” said Minho.

“True love?”

Jonghyun laughed as he walked ahead of Minho.

“That’s not for me. I love my life right now. I love living away from the fast cities, I love being a bachelor, I love living alone away from all the hassle other people will impose on you, especially with a wife.” said Jonghyun.

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