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**Not for very young readers.

Chapter 16

Heechul was sitting beside Minho in the car. Minho was silent the whole time.

“It was a really good party. I think the press would have a lot of good things to write about you and Seohyun. You two looked natural. It wasn’t obvious that earlier was just the second time you’ve met.” Said Heechul.

Minho wasn’t paying attention. He’s just looking out the window staring blankly.

“That girl earlier…Sulli Choi.”

Heechul got Minho’s attention as he slightly looked at Heechul with the mention of Sulli’s name.

“I did not expect you two to be close.” Said Heechul. “You had a fling with the second daughter in highschool and married the first daughter. I did not know you would be close with the youngest.”

Minho did not answer.

“When I first saw her trying to get inside the venue, she said there is something important she has to tell you.” Said Heechul.

Minho narrowed his eyes.

“But when she faced you, I did not hear anything so important that she would even expose Alliance to media risk.” Said Heechul.

Heechul chuckled.

“She even shouted like a child when she was locked up shouting she needs to talk to you. She’s such an childish girl. Why was she so stubborn? Only so that she can tell you face to face her congratulations?”

Minho grabbed Heechul’s arm.

“Did you say you locked her up?” asked Minho.

Heechul saw the anger in Minho’s eyes.

“Yes. She was trying to enter the engagement party even before it started. I can’t let Alliance do anything against this partnership.” Said Heechul. “And we can’t afford you to get distracted.”

Minho threw Heechul’s arm.

“Stop the car.” Said Minho. “Now.”

“What are you doing?” asked Heechul.

Minho got off the car. Heechul followed him.

“Minho, where do you think you’re going? What if a paparazzi sees you?” said Heechul.

Minho grabbed Heechul’s collar.

“Why did you do that, Hyung? Do you know how much she’s going through? How can you lock her up like that? She just wanted to talk to me.” Said Minho. “How dare you do that to her!”

Minho is so enraged that Heechul felt like he needed air. Minho was strangling him.

“Let me go, Minho.” Said Heechul

Minho took several steps from Heechul as he tried to cool himself down.

“So, this Sulli Choi. Is she the girl you are in love with?” asked Heechul. “Is she the girl you left in the farm?”

But Heechul’s words just echoed inside Minho’s ear as he saw the familiar woman walking on the other side of the street.

Minho’s legs started to move on their own as he followed her.


Heechul looked around and saw what made Minho run.

It was that Alliance girl.

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