Far From The Fame - Karel Janoušek (Czechoslovakia)

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Karel Janoušek was a Czechoslovakian solider who after serving in WW1 learned how to fly.

When the outbreak of WW2 came and Czechoslovakia was occupied he was fighting in the resistance until he realized that he would do more good if he made it to France and continued the fight from there.

He commanded the Czechoslovak Air Force in France until their surrender and then made his way to England where he organized the first Czechoslovak Air Force units in the Royal Air Force (RAF).




As the great war is over and lost
He's been wounded in war, he returns with awards
Into battle again far from home
From a far distant land, our Marshal command

Siblings sent to their death
His wife paid the ultimate price
As the war rages on
You are our guide

Far, far from the fame
Far, far away from the fame
But we still remember your name
Karel Janoušek!
We mourn the day that you died
So be our guide, Czechoslovakia's pride

When the war has been fought and been won
Our Marshal returns, to be thrown into jail
Facing torture and years behind bars
When he's finally back, life in ivory black

Siblings sent to their death
His wife paid the ultimate price
As the war rages on
You are our guide

Far, far from the fame
Far, far away from the fame
But we still remember your name
Karel Janoušek!
We mourn the day that you died
So be our guide, Czechoslovakia's pride

Far, far from the fame
Far, far away from the fame
But we still remember your name
Karel Janoušek!
We mourn the day that you died
So be our guide, Czechoslovakia's pride

Far, far from the fame
Far, far away from the fame
But we still remember your name
Karel Janoušek!
We mourn the day that you died
So be our guide, Czechoslovakia's pride

Exact words from the earbook - I own nothing.

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