Kankri x Reader

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Second Person POV:

"GOD DAMN IT KANKRI!" You yelled before storming off. You were at his house because he wanted to tell you something. Wait, wait let's go back to the beginning for a moment.

/ flashback: at school \

You were going about your day waiting for your friend Kankri to come meet you at your locker like he always does. You waiting there for a couple of minutes and Kankri hasn't arrived. "Hmmm I wonder where he could be. Its not like him   to be late." You said to yourself. The bell rang and you closed your locker and went to your first block class.

You got to your first block class, English, and took your usual seat. Too bad Kankri isn't here because then you would actually have someone to talk to instead of talking to Cronus. Oh well he might know where Kankri is anyway. "Hey Cro, do you know where Kankri is because he wasn't at my locker where he usually meets me." He turned around to face me and smiled.

"No I havwen't seen him. That's a good thing though..." "How is it a good thing?" You questioned. "Because novw your mine for today." "In your dreams Cronus." You told him and flipping him off.

(Schools over)

It was weird that you didn't see Kankri around. It made you sad and very uncomfortable because Cronus kept following you. Once you got outside you saw Porim, but it looked like she was talking to someone. You walked over a little closer and saw something long and red. Once you were close enough to see who it was, you saw it was Kankri!

"Kankri!" You yell running the rest of the way to him. You didn't give him a hug because of his personal space thing. "____! Y9u kn9w its rude to interrupt s9me9ne when they are talking t9 9ther pe9ple, and may I add..." Porim put her hand on his shoulders and gave him a look that you never seen before.

Kankri nodded and said, "_____ w9uld y9u like t9 c9me 9ver t9 my h9use t9day?" You smiled and said yes and followed him to his house.

Once you got there he opened the door and let you in first. He guided you to the living room and patted the seat next to him. You walked over and sat down next to him. It was awkward at first until Kankri finally said something. "_____ I have s9me things I want t9 tell y9u....6ut first let me tag anything that c9uld 6e triggering. #feelings #quadrants #where me and y9u stand #c9nfessi9ns..." He went on and on, but you didn't mind because you liked it when he talked a lot. You were about to zone out until you heard him say, '#flaws'. That got you worried. He finished tagging everything and actually started talking. "_____ we have kn9w each 9ther for a while n9w. The 9nly reason I talk t9 y9u is 6ecause y9u listen t9 all my lectures that I write which makes me happy that y9u d9. Then again there are s9me flaws t9 y9u that I w9uld like t9 p9int 9ut. Like how s9metimes y9u z9ne 9ut when I talk 9r when you swear a little t9 much. Als9...." He went rambling about every flaw you had. This got you pissed off that he would do that.

You cut him off by saying, "WELL SORRY I'M NOT FUCKING PERFECT KANKRI!!" He looked up at you with a shocked face. You continued, "YOU THINK EVERYONE HAS TO BE SO GOD DAMN PERFECT DON'T YOU! WELL NEWS FLASH NO ONE IS PERFECT!!"

(Now at the present)

"GOD DAMN IT KANKRI!" You then stormed off and went out the door. You walked to the park to cool yourself off, then you walked to the swings and sat down. You started to swing back and forth thinking everything Kankri said about you. You started to cry, he should have known better to not tell a girl about what's wrong with her.

You got more upset and sat down on the ground full of tears. Not knowing what to do anymore. You loved Kankri, you respected him and you always helped him when he needed it, but why did he say all of those mean things about you.

Kankri's POV:

_____ ran out the door before you could finish anything. I didn't mean to get her mad at me, plus I didn't even finish. Before I could think of anything else I heard thunder and saw some lighting. It started to rain hard. I got up ran for my jacket and went out the door looking for ____.

I didn't see her on the sidewalk or near the closes tree. "_____! _____! Where are y9u!" The storm started to get worse. The winds were blowing harder then before, it was hard to see anything. I found myself at the park now yelling her name. I looked everywhere and found her near the swings curled up in a ball on the ground. I ran to her and picked her up taking her back to my house. She was shaking the way there too and it was bad.

Your POV:

I woke up with a blanket around me and laying on the couch. I looked around a little and notice that I wasn't at my house. I turn my head to look at the celling but instead of that I see a sleeping Kankri there. My eyes widened up and I noticed I was on his lap when I was asleep. Then again all I remember from yesterday was that a bad storm came in and I had no idea what went after that except that I was being picked up.

Did Kankri come looking for me and get me out of the storm? I felt Kankri move and saw him opening his eyes. "Well hell9 there ____." He said stretching. Then his eyes widen up, "_____! Are y9u 9k?! D9 y9u feel any better?! D9 y9u need t9 g9 t9 the h9spital?!" "Kankri I'm fine. I feel better I guess." I said trying to get up. I looked at the ground thinking of an apology for me flipping out on him. "Umm Kankri I'm sorry for what I said....." Before I could finish he kissed me right on the lips!

"_____, 6ef9re y9u left and g9t upset with me I was g9ing t9 tell y9u that I'm flushed f9r y9u. I kn9w that I sh9uldn't have started with all the flaws y9u had, 6ut I was g9ing t9 tell y9u that I l9ve y9u flaws and all." I started to tear up. Not from sadness, no, they were happy tears. I hugged Kankri and said yes a whole bunch of times. I knew he couldn't say anything because all I heard from him were 'uh's' and 'you-you will?' from him. I shook my head yes and he had a smile that I never seen before.

Kankri's POV:

She said yes! I can't believe she said yes to being my matesprite! Does this mean that someone actually loves me? Well apparently its a yes that someone does, because that someone is _____.


Hey guys! I hope you like this Kankri one! I worked hard on this one. I'm sorry if he was OOC, I tried to keep him in character as best as I can. Also I would like to say sorry that this one took to long to be put up too.

Please leave a comment on how I did or how I could improve if I need it. Thanks for reading this reader x book so far! I really appreciate it! Well nothing else to say so CHARLIE OUT!!!♋

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