I hate you

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'Chenn!! Babe! I miss you so much"

Oh great now cho is video calling with her bae.

If cho not her best friend, Zee won't gives cho a free wifi in her house.

'Cho stopp!! you're just met him this morning. you're acting like you didn't meet him in a year"

'You don't have a boyfriend so you don't know how's my feeling right now so blue"

Oh gosh cho is so annoying.

'Cho stop video calling and sleep!"

Zee thinks about what cho said 'you don't have a bf so you don't know how's my feeling" Zee never has a boyfriend and she believes her first love is the last. But who?.


Zee and Cho on the car right now and Zee driving her car. And they're arrived in their school but when Zee get out from her car, sehun comes to Cho

'Daebak! where is you get this new car?"

'Not mine"cho frowned


'My parents car? Why?" Zee comes to sehun and cho.

'Whaaat? Yesterday you said that you don't have a car"sehun shocked.

'Yes, I don't have a car but my parents has this car. I don't have any money all of my facilities is from my parents"

'You're so arrogant! I don't believe that your beautiful face is unlike your heart"

Omg! Beautiful? Aw. But...... He said Zee arrogant? Mirror please.

'Hey sehun! What's wrong with you? I don't wanna make a problem with you!" Zee shouting

What's wrong with me? Huh?"

sehun pushing her body and Zee holding his hand and they're hugging each other.

What happened? Zee moves from sehun body and she pouring a diet coke into sehun's jacket.

'It's for yesterday sehun!"

d.o watching what Zee did and d.o grab her hand and pulled her.

'Hey what are you doing with sehun? Huh?"

'Hahaha. Are you jealous?"

'Um cmon lets go we're late"d.o run into the class


After school Zee must go to the art course and she's going with d.o and chen

Chen is joining art course too. And chen can't go to the art course just only with Zee. Cho would upset and she can changes from human into godzila.

So d.o must accompanied Zee and chen.

'D.o! Chen! after the course we must eat ramen near the traditional market"

'Ay ay captain" d.o agreed

'Ah aigoo! I forgot I have a dinner with my bae. So I can't and you must have a quality time with d.o haha"

'Huh, always with d.o again. I had every single day always with d.o"

'Aw both of you are so cute" yelled chen

After the course, Zee and d.o walked to the ramen restaurant near traditional market.

she eats so fast because she's so hungry.

But when she enjoyed her food suddenly strange guy comes to Zee and pours the ramen sauce on Zee clothes

'Ups sorry. I didn't mean to pouring the ramen sauce but umm I think It's for this morning"

'What are you doing sehun? Are you crazy? You're such like a looser making trouble with a girl "

'What d.o? Are you kidding me? Oh I see. Do you love her?"

'If i said 'yes' why?"

'Ahh poor you. You choose this girl than me?"

'Shut up sehun I HATE YOU. C'mon d.o I don't wanna eat this ramen. I wanna go home now" zee left sehun alone

*yes I'm jealous! Don't hate me. I just wanna talk with you ze, I don't know how to start the conversation. maybe now I believe, love at first sight*

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