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Gabby POV

Beep Beep Beep

I turned over to my right and smacked the snooze button, before opening my eyes and looking at the time. 7:00 AM. I rolled back over to my left to see Matt still asleep, of course. You'd think being a firefighter the sound of an alarm would have him jumping up and out of bed, but at home? No way.
I quietly rolled out of bed and crept my way down the stairs. Shift didn't start until 9 this morning so I actually had time make breakfast instead of just grabbing something from the fridge while walking out the door. I was actually looking foward to going to work today. It has been so long since I felt this...relaxed. That's when it hit me. I slept all night for the past 2 nights. Didn't wake up once. Didn't hear anyone's screams, or see anyone dying. I don't even remember how long it's been since I slept more than maybe a handful of hours. Feeling slightly proud of myself, I start putting some pancake mix into a bowl. Then I hear that familiar beeping noise and a groan coming from upstairs.

Matt POV

I could throw that damn alarm out the window right about now. However, that probably wouldn't be the very "adult" thing to do.
"Gabs can you please turn that alarm off"
I didn't want to move, but when I didn't get a reply I figured I should probably take a look. No Gabby. I thought she might actually get through the night again, but I guess not. The first night after her telling me about everything that was going on, she slept all night. I didn't sleep much, because I had to keep an eye on her of course. Last night was night 2, and I know she slept until at least 3 AM, since that was when I fell asleep. I quick roll out of bed and pull on a shirt, before heading down the stairs to see if I could find my beautiful wife.

I poked my head around the door to the kitchen to see Gabby standing by the stove. I quietly crept in and leaned up against the table.
"God Matt, you scared me" she said, jumping around.
"Sorry," I said with a laugh, "So..."
"So what?"
"How did you sleep?"
"Fine actually." She turned back toward whatever she had in that bowl.
"Really? You weren't in bed when I got up this morning."
"Yeah, because I got up on time. Unlike someone I know"
I let out another laugh and got up to see if I could help her make breakfast.
"Let me take that" I said, reaching for the bowl.
"Alright," she handed it to me, "I'll start making us some coffee." She said, leaning in to give me a kiss.

Gabby POV

I turned around for 2 seconds before I heard the sound of the bowl hitting the floor. I slowly turned around to see Matt standing behind the bowl, and looking up with this horrified look on his face. That's when I busted out laughing.
"Matt how did you ever survive on your own??"
"I'm honestly not sure"
I throw him a rag for the drawer.
"Looks like it's gonna be a grab and go kinda day huh?"
"Just clean up the floor you clutz!"

Matt and I drove separately to the firehouse for the first time in who knows how long. He had some Captains meeting to go to downtown halfway through shift. I took the keys out of the ignition and climbed out of my car onto the street, before seeing Matt's truck pull up next to the house.
"How the hell did you beat me here?" Matt questioned, "I left before you!"
"You must drive really slow I guess" I laughed.
"Matt Casey? My grandma drives faster than him!" Severide screamed as he walked by.
Matt looked at me and laughed, before we both walked in together.

The morning briefing was cut short by the bells. The whole house was called out for a multi-car accident.
"Damn..." Brett breathed as we rolled up to the scene.
"Damn is right." There were 6 cars: 2 were flipped on their roofs, 1 was completely crushed, 1 was on fire, and the last 2 seemed to have minimal damage. Matt hoped out of the truck and started chucking orders. And let me tell you, no matter how many times I see it, it never ceases to make me fall in love with him all over again.
"And Brett, Dawson, check on the people in the blue Honda." I zoned back in.
"Got it Captain"
We grabbed our gear and jogged to the blue car, which was most definitely destroyed. There was heavy damage to the back. The driver door was pushed in about halfway through the car, and drivers side rear was completely ripped of the car.
"One male driver,"   I called to Brett while checking for a pulse, before looking up and shaking my head, "I'll head over and check the passengers in the 2 cars with minimal damage." Brett nodded and I turned to make my way to the other victims.
"Chief, we've got at least one DOA." I heard Brett call over the radio.
"Copy that Ambo 61"

We were at the scene of that accident for 2 hours. One of the victims in a flipped car was pinned in, and it took forever to get him out to be life-flighted to Chicago Med. As far as we new, the man in the blue car was the only casualty.
"Crazy call huh" I said, knocking on the door to the captain's office.
"I'll say" Matt looked up, smiling.
"What time are you leaving for that meeting?"
Matt glanced down at his watch. "In about an hour, I've gotta get this paperwork done first though."
"Well I guess I'll leave you to it Captain Casey." I smirked. Before turning and walking out the door.

An hour later, I walked back into Matt's office to see him packing up some stuff.
"Yep" He turned out of his office and I walked him out to his car.
"Drive safe" I said giving him a kiss.
"I always do! I'm slow remember?"
"Oh right, how could I forget?"
"I love you" Matt laughed.
"I love you to babe"
He pulled me in for another kiss before hopping in his truck and starting it up. We locked eyes for a brief second, and it felt like the world stopped. He smiled again, and I watched as he began to drive off down the road.
"I'll see you tomorrow" I whispered to myself, before heading back to the house.


So I guess I can only find the motivation to update this about once a month😂 Hopefully once school gets out for the summer I'll be able to update more often! Thanks for reading and I hope you guys liked chapter 4!

Also, I this is the longest chapter in the book so far! Do you guys like this length? Let me know!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2018 ⏰

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