How you met ❤️

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Thought this was a cute idea🤷‍♀️❤️

Brad: you was walking your dog at the park and bump into him and jess and things take of from there. He takes you for a coffee and walks with you around the park for the rest of the evening. (Cute😍)

Connor: you meet him at a music shop you was looking for a new guitar because you broke your old one and he asks you if you need any help and then he pays for it and dinner later that night (awww😂)

James: your at the gym working out when you feel something looking at you you turn around t see James. He walks over after noticing you looking at him back and you chat for a bit then went and got a salad(typical😂)

Tristan: you met him at a concert. All of your friends left without telling looked a bit lost and was looking around when tris saw you and asked if you where ok you told him what was wrong and he helped you but you didn't find them and ended up having fun together for the rest of the night (sweet I know❤️)

A/n: this is my first imagine like this hope you enjoyed so if you have any ideas or these plz let me know ❤️❤️ B x

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