Chapter 8 - My mom and dad?

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Hey hey hey everyone! I really need to know if u guys enjoy this....Please tell me in the comments and PLEASEEE tell me what you want to go on in the future or whatever in the book...Please and thanks! ENJOY!

I'm in class, On my phone, Minding my own business but no I had to look up from the sound of screaming

"WTF IS GOING ON?!?!?" I say while everyone looks at me

"We're not sure..." Jackson said

"Well can u stop being a fool and check? Please and thanks" I say leaning on my chair

"Really Lisa? Really?" Jackson said glaring at me

"Your still sitting there....U know what never mind be a god damn pus-" I got cut off by screaming again

I got up and opened the door really angry

"Can you shut the hell up?!?!" I looked over and saw a girl with classes on and Tzuyu

"Ah, Hey sis....What's going on? Her screaming is annoying.." I say walking over

"Aish~ This girl was flirting with Jungkook I'm just trying to help u" Tzuyu said backing up

The girl with the glasses tried to run but I grabbed her by her collar and slammed her on the lockers while my eyes turn red

"Try to flirt with him again and it will be more than this....Okay?" I say while everyone comes over to us and say 'Ooooooo~'

I drop her and goes back to class

(1 hour later -Class was boring...Like always-)

I was walking outside to have lunch until I felt warm hand take me and throw me into a....Car?!?!?

"O-Ouch...Wtf?!?!? Who are u?" I say yelling while they get in the car and start driving

"Heh don't worry dear we're going home....And we're going to talk" A man said

"Home?!??! My home is the other way thank u very much now let me go!" I say yelling

"Dear please calm down" A woman said as she takes off her hood and looks at me

My eyes go wide

"M-Mom? D-Dad?" I say angry and teary

"Yes it's us" My mom said

"UGH I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU GUYS" I say screaming

"Lisa, Please stop we're sorry..." My mom says

"I don't care let me go we can talk later let me go to school" I say getting my backpack

"Fine dear we will talk after school!" My dad said

"Whatever" I say getting out of the car and slams the door and walks in school


I'm sorry that this was short hoped u guys enjoyed

(Behind the scenes)

Now my hand hurt...Damn

Friend: Heh next time u should wait till u eat?

Yeah yeah shut up...I did this in my car

Friend: True dat

Yup welp...I'm done and I think Imma work on 9 bc Imma need a lot of focus

Friend: Mhmmmm sureeee

Other friends: More like watching Yt Aphmau and bts


<I start chasing them>

<One of my friends knock over the camera>


Friend: STFU


<Sorry this Author camera died join next time>


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