Review #1 ~ The Lost Princess

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Author: golfergirl2003

Title: The Lost Princess

Genre: Fanfiction (Disney)

Description: (In photo above)

Book Cover - 7/10

Custom made cover, I'm guessing? Guessing that you drew the cover yourself, I really enjoy how it looks! It's a nice sight to see people make their own custom covers instead of swiping some image off of Google (no salt, I do the same). I also like how you put all the awards in the corner and not smack dab in the center of the cover. Although, the yellow on the title is very distracting, and I don't like how the drawing has visible white spots. I also don't really like how the "Adventures In Arendelle" isn't all the way on the bottom of the cover, but that could just be me.

Summary - 8/10

I actually really enjoyed the summary. It wasn't too long, it wasn't too short, it was about as long as I'd want a summary to be. Although, and again this might just be me, but I don't think you should just come out in the summary and talk about how Anna and Elsa get captured. Maybe make it vague as to what happens to Anna and Elsa, or don't say that it's Hans or kidnaps them. Just a thought. Also, maybe don't have the description as one whole paragraph, try and see if you could maybe split it into two?

Plot - 7/10

Now I'm gonna make be honest, I'm not the biggest fan of Frozen. I wasn't expecting much from this book, and when I read the first three chapters, I thought it was a bit boring. Although, when I read much more into the story, I actually found myself enjoying the plot and the characters. The plot was enjoyable, but I feel like I've read similar things like this before. How she doesn't know she's a princess and then is told she is seems cliché and how Elsa just randomly shows up in her room seemed really weird to me. Just work on tidying up the beginning of the story a bit more and should look better.

Creative Aspects - 5/10

So for creativity, I have to say that again, I feel that I've read many stories that have a storyline like this. Such as her secretly being a princess, the kidnappings, and all of that. I also think that your writing falls flat when characters are experiencing nervous. For example, instead of just saying "Lisa felt nervous", expand on that. Say how she felt, like if there are knots in her stomach or if her heartbeat sped up. You know, things like that. Also, try to not follow certain storylines, make your own. I felt like I've read a story similar to this somewhere else.

Spelling and Grammar - 9/10

Not much to say here. Your spelling and grammar is extremely good. The only reason I didn't give a perfect score in this category is because there was a lot of unnecessary double spacing that kept showing up. Double check that you accidentally didn't press the space button twice.


Besides some parts that are a bit cliché, I very much enjoyed the story. The first few chapters and the beginning of the story need a bit of work, and I feel that you need a bit more practice when writing emotions in your characters. Remember to show and not tell. Otherwise, good job!! :)


~ ☀️

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