Review #2 ~ I Crave You

209 9 13

(This book is not complete yet)

Author: xShadesofBlue


Genre: Romance

Description: (In photo above)

Book Cover - 9/10

I honestly really enjoy how the cover looks. It doesn't have any distracting colors and it looks very clean. The only thing I don't really like is how the little text on the top looks. I don't like that it kinda disappears, and while it is an interesting touch, I couldn't read what it said at first.

Summary - 9/10

The description was very interesting, and it made me intrigued to actually start reading the book. That's good because that's what the summary is for. It's to want to make the reader start reading, and I thoroughly enjoy your writing style. Although, in the description can look slightly wonky because some of the things are too spaced out or close together, so double check how the description looks.

Plot - 8/10

The plot was very interesting, meeting the expectations that the description gave me. Your characters are very likable and seem very real, which is great. Your writing style makes the book ten times more enjoyable to read and your wide vocabulary makes that even better. The only reason I didn't really give a higher score was because that the book is not complete yet, so I can't judge on the later parts of the book if I can't read the whole thing yet.

Creative Aspects - 7/10

One of the things I honestly don't like about the romance genre is that people use so many clichés and I feel as if they are scared to step out of their comfort zone and try something different. Evelyn getting the job so quickly and her love interest being rich and rude seems clichéd to me. Although, I do like Jim and I also like how Evelyn doesn't want her sister and her partner to give her everything just because they're rich and she wants to do it herself.

Spelling and Grammar - 9/10

Your grammar is amazing because of your wide vocabulary and your spelling is also perfect. You have great punctuation and it's very easy to read. The only reason I'm not giving you a higher score is because the book isn't finished yet.


Overall, I really do like this book. It's very enjoyable to read and I really like your cast of characters. Your vocabulary makes the book flow easily and feel much more professional. Of course, I can't give a full review because the book is not complete yet, but I will be keeping an eye out for updates to read on my own time. :)


~ ☀️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2018 ⏰

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