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Cross hummed a small tune as he cooked. He remembered his brother humming it when they were younger. It was such a sweet and enchanting tune...

"Uh... Cross, buddy, what are you doing?" Killer asked, placing a hand on the other white skeleton's shoulder. 

The cheerful monster gave a lopsided grin, his eyes shining happily. 

"Making tacos! Senpai said that I could make them for dinner since I got him the honey and fox pelt he wanted! I even went out for groceries!" His voice was joyous and he seemed relaxed and pleased. 

The crying monster gave a happy smile, seeming calmed at his words. Nothing seemed wrong with Cross for once too. He wasn't limping, he wasn't bleeding. Heck, Nightmare even went along with Cross's weird thing for him for a day without tempting to kill him!

"When do you think they'll be done?" The murderer asked, his voice soft for the young monster before him. 

"In a few minutes! Can you go get Nightmare and the other's while I prepare the table?" 

Killer laughed softly, nodding. It was nice of the more innocent monster to make dinner, even if no one was really going to eat it but him.

"Yo, Nightmare!" The crying skeleton banged on his boss's door. He heard a groan from within and a second later, the being of all fear walked out. He didn't look very well... 

"What?" He hissed, annoyed.

"Dinner's ready. Now get your ass down stairs." Even though everyone in the house was a murderer and suppose to be evil, no one dared curse around the only angel in the mix. 

"Fine... This is gonna end with us needing a doctor." He muttered, not looking forward to seeing how this turn would come out. 

They all ate Cross's tacos once before, which ended up with them getting food poisoning. This in turn lead them to try and convince Cross to scare a doctor into tending to them.

Somehow, when the white clad skeleton came back with the doctor... They were oddly afraid of him! Like genuinely afraid of the small, naïve, creampuff! Of course none of the others actually gave it much thought, just as long as the doc didn't say a word to anyone about it.

Once everyone was called for they went downstairs. Nightmare didn't want to be alone with Cross. Last time he was alone with Cross longer than two minutes, the little guy had somehow gotten Nightmare to hug him! The gooey skeleton seriously doesn't want to repeat that.

It didn't take the group long to be in the dinning room... And they were surprised. On the large table, there wasn't just taco makings, but sandwiches and spaghetti. There was even a bowl of salad!

"Okay... He didn't have any of this done when I checked on him." Killer murmured as he looked out at the sea of food.

However his words didn't get past the small skeleton, who looked confused. 

"No... I'm sure that I had all of this there..." Cross tapped his chin, tilting his head slightly. 

"No..." Killer went through his memory of his time in the kitchen. "I-I'm sure that you didn't have any of this done?" It was more of a question than a statement. 

Nightmare raised an eyebrow. The eyeless killer wasn't one to be forgetful. Meaning, either the Cross had just manipulated the motherly monster or the greyish skeleton just went over the other food. 

"Nope! I'm sure you just over looked them!" The innocent bean held a happy smile as he sat down in his usual place. 

The crying murderer didn't say anything for a few seconds. He was still trying to see if he had missed something, but... It was hard to. "Maybe you're right..." Killer nodded slowly, coming to the conclusion that he just overlooked everything except the tacos since they were Cross's favorite food and he was near them at the time. It made sense in a way.

After everyone had sat down, the naïve monster used his magic to fill everyone's plate with what they secretly were wanting. Of course though, Horror just got a side bowl of spagetti and two ham sandwiches, nothing human.

Cross was the only one having tacos... He looked happy, though, as everyone tried his food. In truth they were really good, but no one dared adventure to the tacos.

"This is great!" Horror shouted, swallowing a whole sandwich. "Who taught you how to cook this good!"

The motherly murderer glared Horror's loudness and the fact he wasn't really chewing his food. Yet, the white clad monster gave a happy, proudful smile as he took the compliment.

"Thank you! My brother..." Slowly the bright, proudful smile fell at the word 'brother'. "My brother taught me how to make these types of food..." 

The white wearing skeleton turned his head away, gripping his scarf tightly. He couldn't stop the feeling of hatred and sadness from forming. The emotions hurting his soul.

"I'm going for a walk."

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