Their Home

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Nightmare had been coughing and shivering more lately. It was very noticeable this time. It was worrying all of the Sanses, especially Cross.

Cross had stopped fighting with his boss, concern being the clear reason. He instead, started to help and force better eating and sleeping habits. However, it didn't seem his efforts were enough as the once powerful King grew weaker and weaker.

Then it happened, Nightmare's worst fear came true. He unwillingly reverted back to his Passive form, right in front of everyone.

Everyone watched with wide eyes as the dark King coughed and gagged, puking out thick grey goop. The tar like substance on his body slowly and almost painfully melted off, dripping onto the dark wooden floors.

Soon, Night was sitting there, on his knees. His clothes were too big now, so they slid off his body at the shoulders. There, it revealed deep black and green, irregular circles decorating his bones.

Silently, Cross stood up, his eyes hard, his mouth firm. The red-white eyed skeleton only stared down at his love, tense. Even Xcellence was tense, only staring down at the King.

The ex-guardian breathed heavily, shakily looking up. He couldn't focus on anything, everything was blurring together, his body was too hot but at the same time, too cold.

Then, he just collapsed. He didn't move, even his breathing got quiet.

That was when the twins moved.

Cross grabbed Nightmare, pulling him up into his chest. While he did that, Xcellence summoned a thin bladed weapon.

The weapon glowed a hot, angry red. Swiftly, the taller Cross slashed at the closest wall. Instantly, a portal was opened, exposing a rather brightly colored clearing in a forest of some sort.

"Lucy, in now." The winged skeleton snapped.

The tiny creampuff nodded and hurried through the portal, scrambling away from it some on the other side. He looked scared and worried.

Cross stood up, holding Nightmare tightly. He was going to go through the portal. Hastily, Dream jumped forward, his eyes wide with worry and fear.

"Wait! Where you guys going!" He called out, his lips pulling up into a grimace.

Cross paused for a second, looking down at the monster in his arms, then to his brother, and finally to Dream.

"We're going home... Follow quickly if you want to come."

Those words were uttered swiftly, his body moving through the portal even quicker.

The four original Dark Sanses were the first ones to jump through after Cross as though they didn't even think about it. Ink and Geno were next with Reaper following. Soon, all of them had passed before Xcellence.

The first thing they all noticed was how sweet the air smelled, the second thing they noticed was that the plants around them moved almost unnaturally.

The next thing they noticed was the fact that Cross had called this his home. His AU was still standing, and they were the first ones to have ever seen it in who knows how long.

And now they couldn't help but to wonder if maybe they should've thought this over.

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