First Day In class...

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The RowdyRuff Boys...Why are they here!??! I hope they didn't come here to just cause trouble...But I seriously didn't expect to see them here! What's more...They are actually studying?!😂

The Boys took their seats and guess what...Since they were they last ones to arrive to class...Their seats were near me and my sisters....this must be hell...
Brick took the seat beside me,
Boomer took the seat beside Bubbles, and lastly, Butch took the seat behind Buttercup...

I could tell that Buttercup was deeply annoyed but we couldn't do anything about this...not until the next change in seating arrangement...which is the next semester😩Sigh...looks like we will have to endure this☹

~Ding Dong~

The school bell chimed.We were about to see who was our form teacher!
The door slides🚪
A female teacher walks in~
"Good morning class! It's nice to see you all. My name is Ms Keane and I will be your form teacher for this year.Please treat me well!"


"Ok class.Since it's the first day of school in a new school, why don't we start with some introductions and later on,get to know each other more? Alright let's start with me then!" Ms Keane said.

"As you all know, My name is Ms Keane. Uhh I'm currently 29 years old and I came to this school just last year! My previous school was a Primary school/Grade school and I think that this is such a big surprise that i see some familiar faces from my old school.Such as Blossom, Bubbles, Buttercup and Princess.Well,they were students I thought in a class back in Grade school.I'm so glad to have you girls here." Ms Keane added.

"Alright I guess that's all for my introduction.Well I guess it's time for the class to interact and make new friends! However, please don't be too noisy.There may be other upper level classes nearby trying to have a lesson.Ok have fun! I think that first, you can start by talking to your seatmate that is beside you! :)" Ms Keane last said before the classroom burst into chatters.

Oh great. . . Talk to the person sitting beside me. . .oh just great. . .HE'S MY ENEMYY

"Hi Pinky! I see you still like Pink huh." Brick said.

"What do you want?" I said in an annoyed tone.

"Oh nothing. Just trying to start a conversation with you.🙃can't I? Pinky?" Brick said.

"Don't call me Pinky!!😬I have a name and that is Blossom! Not Pinky! Just because my favourite colour is Pink, doesn't mean that you can call me Pinky." I pouted.

Brick laughed at my pouted face.It's the first time i see him laugh so's strange

"I see you're already giving nicknames on the first day of school huh, Bricky~" Princess came...arghh annoying little girl...Did she just tried to flirt? Especially with a Rowdyruff?! And that tone of voice...Yuck! She is definitely out of her mind.

"Hey you! The one that's sitting beside Brick(not me=Blossom) I'm taking that seat! Switch with me!" Princess demanded.

"Hey Princess! You are not allowed to do that. We can only change our seats next semester!" I shouted.

"Oh please.I can do whatever I want! Because I'm Princesss! Hmph" Princess said back.

Arghhh how arrogant!!

There's no way i'm gonna argue with her over this small thing.It's wasting my energy and it will only ruin my mood.

"Heyhey i heard that she and that guy, what's his name? Oh Brick. Yea, apparently I heard that they were in the same Middle school and class as well...and that they dated! I wonder if they are still dating now..." A girl in class said.

I couldn't believe what i just heard......THEY DATED?!!! Plus, WAS IN THE SAME MIDDLE SCHOOL AND CLASS?!!? I turned to look at Brick and Princess having a conversation together.It looks like Brick wasn't really into it though...
Somehow...I just feel this small ache somewhere in my heart after hearing that they dated...What am i saying!! Oh no no no...NO WAY AM I GONNA FALL FOR THAT

Afterwards, normal lessons started...Ms Keane said that by the end of today, we each must pick a club to join.

-Time Skip-

~Ding Dong~
School just ended

"Hey Pinky! Have you chosen your club? I bet it's gonna be a nerdy one like you HAHA" Brick casually spoke to me.

"Oh shut it Brick.I'm gonna pick the Student Council!" I said.

Apparently, during break time, i heard from other students that the Student Council President was hot.So I was curious and now I want to check it out😁well can't help it🙃I'm a highschool girl afterall...

"Oh great...the worse one of expected of my nemesis😒" Brick murmered.

I could tell that he was annoyed😂

"What about you Brick? What club are you gonna choose?" I asked.

Wait...Why am i talking to a Ruff again?!

"The going home club🙄hehe" Brick cheekly smiled.

" suprise coming from a Ruff😒" I rolled my eyes.

"Ok i'm off now bye!" I said before I left the classroom.

I went to the staff room and before i handed in the form, I made a final check that the criterias to enter the Student Council was all set and good for me.
✔Am responsible
✔Can set a good example
Ohhkay! All set for me😄And I handed in the form.

I met up with my sisters later on and we went home together.

"Phew!.....School's finally over! It's been a long day... and full of Lots of stuff..." I said

"Oh tell me about it..." Buttercup added.

"It's been tiring...and it's just the first day of school!" Bubbles said.

"Hey! How about an Ice cream later on?" I asked. "I'm craving for that😛Hehe😆"

"That sounds good!" Bubbles said.

"Ok! Last one there has to pay!! Ready. . . And. . . GO!!" Buttercup and I started to dash.

"Hey!! That's not fair! You know I don't like running!😣" Bubbles groaned.

"Well too bad Hehe😁" Buttercup said.

And the day ended off with some delicious ice cream🍦😋Yum!

Ok! Here's another part! I hope you guys are enjoying this! Tomorrow i have an exam and i'm not studying for it...Oops😅Haha well it's fine...Hope to keep y'all updated soon!!😊

[PPGXRRB] ♡Blossick♡ School version :DDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora