Enderman sublings

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Here a cute art of Night and Sunny!

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Here a cute art of Night and Sunny!


Night the Enderman
- 17 years old
- Male
- Enderman
- Brave, kind, talented and optimistic.
- Ukulele, music and little sister.

Sunny the Emderman
- 10 years old
- Female
- Enderman
- Shy, cute, optimistic too and honest.
- Poems, books, fairytale and her brother.

1. They haven't got parents. They were died when they were little.
2. They wear clothes that has rainbow colors.
3. They can eat human food.
4. Night has got white hair and Sunny has got yellow hair. That means that Night has a symbol of moon and Sunny has a symbol of sun.
5. Night can play on Ukulele.
6. Sunny likes telling funny jokes and story.

Hope you like it :)

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