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Dear Haechan,

Today's another day!
Another day for me to admire you from afar.
Another day for me to take a beautiful picture of you.
Another day for my heart to break into pieces, knowing that you don't even know who I am! Well, you kind of do, but yeah you know what I mean.

But it's ok! Because no matter what happens, I'll always like you anyway. Even if you seem unattainable, I'll be positive and think creatively! Because that's the person that I am. Well, the person I want to be.

You'll probably not care when or if you see these letters, but I'll write them anyway. It just helps me vent my feelings out.

I don't really know how to confess something personally-by-talking anyway. I'm that person who writes letters just to talk to someone. No wonder why I have pretty handwriting, and bad social skills.

Enough about the nonsense, you look good today, Haechan, as always. I suggest you try dying your hair blonde, it would fit you quite well. I hope to see you more often at school. Please be well.

From a mere stranger,

letters // lee donghyuckWhere stories live. Discover now